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December 2024


New videos available in the video library

Our video library is expanding! We have added videos for the IRIS Elements Accounts Production product. Check them out!

November 2024


Unexpected logout fix

We have fixed an issue that was causing you to be unexpectedly logged out of IRIS Elements while completing a task.

Client list refresh — More functionality

Due to popular demand, we have added more functionality to the Client list. You can now:

  • Add more columns
  • Reorder and resize the columns
  • Filter and sort the data displayed
  • Save client list views
  • Use different criteria to search your client data — Previously, only Client ID and Client name were searchable in the client list. Now, you can use the column filters to search for specific text, such as Tax reference (UTR) numbers.

Client list refresh — Custom views

Once you have changed your client list view, you can save it to return to it at a later date or set it as your default view every time you open the client list. Saved custom views are accessed from the new drop-down:

If you haven't saved any custom views yet, only the predefined views of Active Clients and Inactive Clients are available.

The Actions menu has been expanded to help you manage your custom views, including allow you to choose your default view.

Introducing the bulk actions toolbar

The bulk actions toolbar is now available in the client list. When selecting multiple clients, icons appear in the toolbar where you can:

IRIS Elements Anti Money Laundering

AML Compliance Report Generator

You can now download a CSV report that captures a range of anti-money laundering (AML) related information across your client portfolio. This report is available in Practice Compliance > Downloads.

IRIS Elements Accounts Production Enterprise

We are excited to announce the much anticipated Enterprise edition of IRIS Elements Accounts Production is here. All current features of IRIS Elements Accounts Production are included as well as some exclusive features:

Multi year (up to last 5 years) trial balance report

You can now generate multi-year trial balance reports using the last five year's data, where available. This report is available from the Adjustments & Reports tab of IRIS Elements Accounts Production. This report can be downloaded as either a PDF or in Microsoft Excel® format (.xlsx).

Support for Community Interest Companies (CICs) accounts submission to Companies House

When creating a new business client, you can choose a new sub-type of Community Interest Company. When creating CIC businesses, you must add a relationship to a Director and the new relationship type of Secretary.

CIC businesses use the same chart of accounts as other businesses and have the same reporting standards available in IRIS Elements Accounts Production.

When completing the accounts, choose the CIC34 report type: Simplified or Detailed. The CIC34 report is appended to the Accounts Builder and must be filled in separately. A separate signature is required for the CIC34 report.

Support for farms (and other enterprises) accounts

New chart of accounts has been added to IRIS Elements Accounts ProductionELTF - Limited Company chart - Farm and EPSF - Partnership and sole trader chart - Farm.

When creating accounts for farms, turn on Enterprises in the Entity Setup tab. A new Enterprises tab is made available. Use that tab to enter accounting codes for this type of cost centre.

Support for multi address practices

You can now add multiple addresses for your practice, and select which address to use for a particular client's account. The last selected address will be used for any new accounting periods or reports you create, but you can select a different address as required.

Screenshot showing the dropdown selection for Practice address.

Support for revised accounts

For limited companies and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) accounts, Enterprise subscribers can revise completed accounts, then file revised accounts electronically as either a replacement or as a supplementary note.

It is recommended you download a copy of the current account as revised accounts cannot be reverted.

IRIS Elements Practice Management

The Pensions Regulator integration

During the Payroll setup job, Staging date is now automatically populated through The Pensions Regulator, once you enter the HMRC employer reference and select Save & Submit.

Ability to perform actions in bulk

You can now perform actions in bulk including:

These features have been moved into the bulk actions toolbar area and are only visible when multiple clients are selected:

Product subscription required: IRIS Elements Practice Management Professional

IRIS Elements Tax Enterprise

We are excited to announce the much anticipated Enterprise edition of IRIS Elements Tax is here. All current features of IRIS Elements Tax are included as well as some exclusive features:

Asset register for SA100 tax return

A new register is available for Enterprise subscribers to record all business assets and movements for capital allowances calculations — Capital assets. When adding the Capital Gains section to a personal tax return, you can open the asset register by selecting Go to capital assets.

When an asset is marked as disposed with the corresponding monetary values, the Capital Gains section is automatically filled out.

Customisable IRIS Elements Accounts Production integration

Enterprise subscribers can customise the mapping between account and subaccount codes in IRIS Elements Accounts Production and the data input fields for tax returns in IRIS Elements Tax. You can only do this for:

  • Limited companies
  • Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs)
  • Partnerships
  • Sole trades
  • A specific client

For partnerships, any customised mappings can be brought forward into future tax returns. This must be selected for each subsequent tax year.

For all other business types, you must specify a date the mappings apply from — all tax returns created after this date and where the data has been synchronised with IRIS Elements Accounts Production will have this mapping applied. You can add additional period dates that use different mappings.

Dividend feed for all listed companies

The new Capital assets register also includes a dividend feed, allowing you track the purchase and disposal of cash, stock, distribution, and close company loans write off dividends.

Dividends added to the Capital assets register are automatically added to the relevant tax period's tax return dividend section.

Enhanced corporation tax losses calculations

A new module is available when creating corporation tax returns. You access this module in the Losses tab of the tax return. Values entered here form the Loss Reconciliation report of the return.

Enhanced groups and consortium calculations

The Group relief (CT600C) supplementary page has been enhanced for Enterprise subscribers.

Depending on the circumstances around the tax return being created, when using the Group relief supplementary pages, either Claims to group relief or Surrender to group relief (and relevant carry forward inputs) sections are made available.

You can now add the client records that form the group or consortium. Ideally, they would already exist in IRIS Elements but there is a link to create a new record if required. Their details are provided so you can select the relevant accounting period and pull through their profits and loss to supplement the claim.

Additionally, the authorising company details must be added to the group relief section now.

Enhanced loans to participators calculations

The Loans to participators (CT600A) supplementary page has been enhanced for Enterprise subscribers.

When adding the loan amounts and repayments, you can now add the person to whom the loan was made, the participator.

Also, when adding the loan and repayment amounts, IRIS Elements Tax automatically calculates:

  • Total loans outstanding at the end of the return period
  • Tax chargeable before any relief on repaid or written off loans
  • Relief due on repaid, released & written off loans (within 9 months of period end)
  • Relief due on repaid, released & written off loans (after 9 months of period end)
  • Total loans, for all periods, outstanding at the end of the return period
  • Tax payable

Enhanced partnership profit share calculation

The Partners' Shares module for partnership tax returns (SA800) has been enhanced for Enterprise subscribers:

  • Unassigned amounts are now highlighted in red in the Remaining column.
  • Splits between partners can be done using monetary amounts or by percentages.

    If using percentages, the chosen figure is rolled forward to each subsequent tax return so does not need adjusting until the partnership or percentage split changes.

    Additionally, if using percentages, you can manually edit entries to adjust individual share allocation. For example, if partner one typically gets a 75% share and partner two 25%, you can adjust say, property income, to have partner two getting a larger share. This adjustment is not rolled forward.

  • Partnerships that use salaries and expenses are now supported, such as those used by doctors. When adding the Salary and Private expenses for each partner, IRIS Elements Tax, the partnership shares are automatically re-calculated to take these into account.

Enhanced property developer tax (CT600N)

A new supplementary page to record Residential Property Developer Tax (CT600N) is now available for Enterprise subscribers.

Farmers averaging calculations for 2 or 5 years

The Averaging adjustment calculator for personal tax returns (Self employment section) has been expanded. Enterprise subscribers can now choose to average out their taxes over two or five years.

Quarterly tax installment calculations for limited companies

Where client accounts are being used for limited companies, IRIS Elements Tax calculates the amount of tax due into quarterly installments. This calculation is based on the values inputted for the tax return against the comparative year, as well as the size of the limited company. This information is displayed on the Computation and you can choose whether to hide payment due dates.

You do have the choice of editing the figures pulled through for payments estimation and forecasting purposes. The Computation is updated accordingly.

HMRC does not tell IRIS Elements Tax about any payments made or payments due. You can request this information direct from HMRC themselves.

Support for client accounts for businesses and individuals

You can now track the amount of tax due and paid by corporation and individual clients during the tax period. A new tab is available in the relevant tax return — Client Account. You access the new Client account module through here.

Payments that are due for the tax return (nine months and one day after the accounting period) are automatically calculated.

Interest on late payments is automatically calculated.

Add payments made against the relevant account, or quarter if for a limited company. If you are familiar with the same functionality in our IRIS Accountancy Suite product, this replaces the matching process when adding payments where you had to search for the relevant account or quarter the payment was for.

HMRC does not tell IRIS Elements Tax about any payments made or payments due. You can request this information direct from HMRC themselves.

Tax credits hub

A new section is available to add to your corporate (CT600) tax returnsTax credits. As the rates for credit are ever-changing, we have automated the calculations for the relevant tax years, helping speed up the processing.

IRIS Elements Trust Tax

We are excited to announce the much anticipated Enterprise edition of IRIS Elements Trust Tax is here. All current features of IRIS Elements Trust Tax are included as well as some exclusive features:

Asset register

A new register is available for Enterprise subscribers to record all business assets and movements for capital allowances calculations — Capital assets. You access the widget through the new Capital assets widget on the client Dashboard.

When an asset is marked as disposed with the corresponding monetary values, the Capital Gains section is automatically added to the appropriate tax period's SA900 tax return and filled out.

Dividend feed for all listed companies

The new Capital assets register also includes a dividend feed, allowing you track the purchase and disposal of cash, stock, distribution, and close company loans write off dividends.

Dividends added to the Capital assets register are automatically added to the relevant tax period's tax return dividend section.

Support for client accounts for trusts

You can now track the amount of tax due and paid by trust clients during the tax period. A new tab is available in the SA900 tax return — Client Account. You access the new Client account module through here.

Payments that are due for the tax return (nine months and one day after the accounting period) are automatically calculated.

Interest on late payments is automatically calculated.

Add payments made against the relevant account, or quarter if for a limited company. If you are familiar with the same functionality in our IRIS Accountancy Suite product, this replaces the matching process when adding payments where you had to search for the relevant account or quarter the payment was for.

HMRC does not tell IRIS Elements Trust Tax about any payments made or payments due. You can request this information direct from HMRC themselves.

Trust tax form 50(FS)

Enterprise subscribers can now electronically fill out and submit form 50(FS) for non-UK resident trustees as part of their SA900 tax return.

October 2024


New videos available in the video library

We have added a number of IRIS Elements Tax, IRIS Elements Trust Tax, and IRIS Elements VAT Filer videos to the video library. Check them out!

August 2024

IRIS Elements Accounts Production

Ability to generate variance trial balance reports

You can now generate a variance trial balance report from the Adjustments & Reports tab of IRIS Elements Accounts Production. This report can be downloaded as either a PDF or in Microsoft Excel® format (.xlsx).

Product subscription required: IRIS Elements Accounts Production Professional

Accounts Builder performance improvements

We have increased the speed at which the Accounts Builder generates the reports. Following this optimisation, we are happy to report this is now up to four times faster.

Bring forward opening balances

To help speed up preparing accounts from incomplete records or dormant accounts, there is now the option to bring forward opening balances from the previous period:

IRIS Elements Accounts Production -  Add new accounting period dialog - Latest accounting period end date provided: 31/12/2020 - New period end date* text boix with 31/12/2021 entered - checkbox with label Tick to generate opening balances from previous accounting period. Buttons Save, Save & launch, Cancel.

Available for all charts of accounts and client types.

You can also use this feature when preparing accounts from incomplete records or just wanting to roll forward balances for dormant accounts.

Product subscription required: IRIS Elements Accounts Production Professional

IRIS OpenSpace integration is here!

We are pleased to announce that IRIS Elements can now integrate with your IRIS OpenSpace account.

Documents stored in IRIS Elements can be sent to IRIS OpenSpace for your clients. Statuses of those documents are then reported back to IRIS Elements.

You can send documents from the following IRIS Elements products:

This is a one-way integration:

  • Documents sent from IRIS Elements and deleted in IRIS OpenSpace will not be deleted from IRIS Elements
  • Documents only stored in IRIS OpenSpace are not sent to IRIS Elements
  • Documents only stored in IRIS OpenSpace will not have their statuses updated to IRIS Elements

July 2024

IRIS Elements Accounts Production

Advanced rounding rules improvements

You can now have rounding applied to both the profit & loss and balance sheet statements. Rounding can be applied on a client-by-client basis and by accounting period.

IRIS Elements Practice Management

IRIS Elements Practice Management Professional now available

We are excited to announce that IRIS Elements Practice Management Professional is now here! All features currently available are included in IRIS Elements Practice Management Professional, with the addition of the ability to synchronise data from IRIS Accountancy Suite and IRIS Elements compliance.

A big feature of IRIS Elements Practice Management Professional is the ability to run alongside your installation of IRIS Accountancy Suite. You can create smart tasks in IRIS Accountancy Suite which synchronises with smart tasks in IRIS Elements Practice Management Professional

For a detailed breakdown of available features in IRIS Elements Practice Management Professional, go to IRIS Elements Practice Management subscription plans.

IRIS Elements VAT Filer

Proprietors with multiple sole trades can submit multiple VAT returns

Where a sole trader has multiple client record entries in your practice's client list, you can now create a VAT return for each.


Help centre feedback

In our quest to make sure all provided content is as up-to-date and relevant as can be, we have launched a new feedback mechanism at the bottom of each topic:

You can now easily tell us when a topic is useful or if not, can provide extra information to allow us to correct this as fast as possible.

Welcome Hub relaunch

Following customer feedback, we have revamped our Welcome Hub, bringing the branding in line with our other IRIS Elements collateral and redesigning the structure to meet the best steps to take to get started. Check it out!

Video library launch

The first iteration of our video library is now available for you to use. We will be adding to the library, but in the meantime, you can start with:

Have an idea for another video? Tell us about it in our Ideas Portal (you'll need to register for an account if you don't have one already).

June 2024

IRIS Elements Company Formations

Introducing IRIS articles of association

We are pleased to announce, with the help of our legal team, we have created an IRIS article of association. This article sits alongside the standard Companies House article, used when forming a company.

Use IRIS articles when forming a company with one or more directors. Make sure all subscribers have agreed to the articles before submitting to Companies House.

May 2024

IRIS Elements Anti Money Laundering

We are pleased to announce IRIS Elements Anti Money Laundering subscribers can now make use of the AML usage information widget. This widget is found in the AML tab of the client record and indicates the subscribed client limit and how much has been used up. A warning is displayed when the limit is near or reached allowing you to plan ahead and upgrade before you need to.

IRIS Elements Accounts Production

Support for Limited Liability Partnerships

We are pleased to announce IRIS Elements Accounts Production Professional subscribers can now prepare and electronically file Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) account formats for accounting standards FRS105 and FRS102 1A. Support for both trading and dormant accounts is included, as well as a dedicated chart of accounts.

When creating accounts for LLPs, use the new Profit Share interface to distribute profit or loss between members.

IRIS Elements Accounts Production Professional - Profit Share tab - Example

Trial balance data is shared with IRIS Elements Tax when creating partnership tax returns — a subscription to IRIS Elements Tax is required.

Product subscription required: IRIS Elements Accounts Production Professional

IRIS Elements Tax

Form SA303 for reducing payments on an account

When completing the Claim to reduce payment account section in your tax return, you can now digitally complete and download the SA303 form as a PDF that you print out, sign, and post to HMRC.

Product subscription required: IRIS Elements Tax Professional

IRIS Elements Tax and IRIS Elements Tax and Accounts

Tax and accounts due date widget

Following customer feedback, we have introduced the Tax and accounts due dates widget. This widget combines the information available in your VAT obligations, Corporate tax returns, Self assessment tax returns, and Accounts widgets. All tax-related deadlines now available in a single place and help make sure that no important dates are missed.

Product subscription required:IRIS Elements Tax Essentials, IRIS Elements Tax Professional, or IRIS Elements Tax and Accounts.

April 2024


Document management

The document management feature of IRIS Elements Practice Management is now available to all — you can now store documents against your client's record. Clients can then access the document through the client portal.

If you already subscribe to IRIS Elements Practice Management, existing document management functionality is not affected.

Client contacts management

If you do not subscribe to IRIS Elements Practice Management, you can now grant access to the client portal to your client's primary contact. Subscribers to IRIS Elements Practice Management are not affected.

If you already subscribe to IRIS Elements Practice Management, contact management functionality is not affected.

Client portal available for all

A basic version of the client portal is now available to all users. If you do not subscribe to IRIS Elements Practice Management can now add grant access to the client portal, only to client's primary contact. In the client portal, users can download documents you have shared with them for their review and signature.

If you already subscribe to IRIS Elements Practice Management, existing client portal functionality is not affected.

IRIS Elements Accounts Production

Ability to generate basic trial balances

You can now generate a basic trial balance report from the Adjustments & Reports tab of IRIS Elements Accounts Production. This report can be downloaded as either a PDF or in Microsoft Excel® format (.xlsx).

Product subscription required: IRIS Elements Accounts Production Essentials or IRIS Elements Accounts Production Professional

Ability to generate detailed trial balances

You can now generate a detailed trial balance report from the Adjustments & Reports tab of IRIS Elements Accounts Production. This report can be downloaded as either a PDF or in Microsoft Excel® format (.xlsx).

Product subscription required: IRIS Elements Accounts Production Professional

Importing trial balances from a CSV file

IRIS Elements Accounts Production Professional subscribers can now import their trial balances as CSV files from:

  • IRIS Elements Accounts Production Essentials
  • IRIS Elements Accounts Production Desktop
  • IRIS Elements Accounts
  • IRIS KashFlow
  • QuickBooks™
  • Xero™ — Make sure the file is saved as CSV before importing

Product subscription required: IRIS Elements Accounts Production Professional

IRIS Elements Tax and IRIS Elements Tax and Accounts

Due to legislative changes, the following updates have been made:

Personal tax returns

Self-employment (SA103) section updates:

  • Accounting period
  • Capital allowances and non-taxable items
  • Add: Balancing charges and Goods for own use
  • Adjustments
  • Losses, other income and deductions

New section added:

  • Transitional profit

Partnership (SA104) section updates:

  • Trading profits
  • Balances carried forward
  • Overlap relief on untaxed income

Trust tax returns

Trade profit / loss (SA901) section updates:

  • Capital allowances
  • Accounting period
  • Basis period adjustments
  • Profit /(loss) calculation

New section added:

  • Transitional profit section

Partnership profit / loss (SA902) section updates:

  • Share of trading income
  • Overlap relief
  • Profit and losses

New section added:

  • Transitional profit

March 2024


Multi-factor authentication

Multi-factor authentication is now available for all IRIS Elements accounts.

Customers making use of the IRIS Elements to Xero integration must have multi-factor authentication turned on the accounts used to connect to Xero.

IRIS Elements Company Secretarial

Due to the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023, we have updated the forms you must submit to Companies House — AD01 and CS01.

CS01 Updates

If a registered email address was not provided when the business was originally formed with Companies House, one must be provided the next time you submit the CS01 form.

The email address entered is not saved against the client record — this is only for IRIS Elements Company Secretarial purposes. To add the registered email address for the client, go to the record's Information tab, Contact details sub-tab.

When reviewing the form before submitting to Companies House, you must also confirm the Declaration statement.

AD01 Updates

When reviewing the form before submitting to Companies House, you must confirm the Declaration statement.

IRIS Elements Company Formations

IN01 form update

Due to the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023, we are updating the IN01 form you must submit to Companies House:

  • You must supply a registered email address that Companies House will use for all relevant correspondence
  • You must confirm the Declaration statement before submitting the form

Ability to query the status of a submission to Companies House

The formation submission process to Companies House has been enhanced to allow you to request the status of your submission. After submitting, you can now use the Query status button to retrieve the latest status of your submission.

IRIS Elements Tax

Improved self-employed tax return data entry

You no longer need to link to a sole trader client when creating a tax return for the self-employed. When adding a Self-employment section to the SA100 tax return, you can choose between linking to a sole trade client as before, or create a stand-alone tax return.

This streamlines self-employment data entry, reduces complexity, and prevents unnecessary duplication of client records.

Product subscription required: IRIS Elements Tax (any level) or IRIS Elements Tax and Accounts

Investor relief tracking

You can now track the Investors Relief Lifetime Limit for your clients. When adding a Capital Gains section to your tax return, a new section has been added to the Business Asset Disposal Relief tab (renamed to BADR/Investors Relief), Investors Relief. Add your figures here.

Product subscription required: IRIS Elements Tax Professional

64-8 forms now available

You can now complete and download an Authorise a tax agent (64-8) form for your client. This informs HMRC that you are authorised to act on their behalf for individual or business tax affairs.

Product subscription required: IRIS Elements Tax (any level) or IRIS Elements Tax and Accounts

Amendments to previously filed CT600 tax returns

CT600 tax returns that have been successfully validated, now have a new Filing option to indicate to HMRC to process it:

  • This is an original return
  • This is an amendment to a previous filing

Amendments to CT600 tax returns that have a status of Accepted by HMRC, are automatically set to This is an amendment to a previous filing before being submitted.

Updates to the CT linking to IRIS Elements Accounts Production process

Previously, if you did not link a matching accounting period when creating a corporation tax return, to do this at a later stage, you had to delete the tax return and start again, making sure to select the accounting period from the linking drop-down. In this release, the linking, or synchronisation, process has been improved using customer feedback, so you can now go back into an existing tax return and retroactively link and synchronise the data from a matching period.

For new tax returns, if a matching accounting period is now found, the synchronisation is turn on by default so associated data is pulled into the trade pages.

IRIS Elements Accounts Production

Option to exclude accountant's report to Companies House

You can now choose whether to exclude the accountants report when submitting accounts to Companies House.

When creating an accounting period, in the Entity Setup tab, select None as the Type of independent review (defaults to Accountant).

February 2024

Role-Based Access Control

You can now control what your users can access in your IRIS Elements tenant — from a basic level of access to full administrative control. To make sure your day is not interrupted existing users are assigned the highest role, giving full administrative access to all licensed areas of IRIS Elements. If required, your system administrator can adjust assigned roles.

When added to the system, new users are assigned the lowest role until their permissions are adjusted by the system administrator.

Role-based access control is separate to our practice roles feature available in IRIS Elements Tax Essentials, IRIS Elements Tax Professional, and IRIS Elements Tax and Accounts.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication is now available for all IRIS Elements accounts.

January 2024

IRIS Elements Accounts Production

Limited by Guarantee accounts formats now available

IRIS Elements Accounts Production Professional customers can now prepare and electronically file Limited by Guarantee account formats for accounting standards FRS105 and FRS102 s1a. This includes appropriate terminology for surplus and deficit, disclosure for a Members’ liability note, and appropriate fully-tagged electronic filing options to Companies House and copies for HMRC.

Limited by Guarantee example

Product subscription required: IRIS Elements Accounts Production Professional

FRC Taxonomy report now available

When preparing accounts, you can now select the FRC Taxonomy report as the practice's default.

Product subscription required: IRIS Elements Accounts Production Essentials or IRIS Elements Accounts Production Professional.