Migrate IRIS Accountancy Suite jobs and job templates

Product subscription required: IRIS Elements Practice Management Professional

You can migrate jobs and job templates from IRIS Accountancy Suite into IRIS Elements.


The migration process:

  • Copies IRIS Accountancy Suite job templates into IRIS Elements
    • Copied job templates are prefixed with an underscore (_)
  • Copies client-specific IRIS Accountancy Suite jobs that have been created within the last three years, into IRIS Elements

If the migration process is repeated at a later date, any job templates and client-specific jobs previously migrated are overwritten.

Auto-completion events and smart tasks

Any jobs that are triggered by an auto-completion event in IRIS Accountancy Suite are called smart tasks in IRIS Elements. These continue to work in the same manner in IRIS Elements. Any tasks in migrated job templates display Automate the completion of this task by linking it to an event when viewed in the Jobs screen, Automation tab.

Screenshot of the Jobs screen, Automation tab, showing "Automate the completion of this task by linking it to an event" to indicate this task was migrated from IRIS Accountancy Suite