Using the pink drop-down list
Use the pink drop-down list in the Pupil Manager module for a variety of tasks, such as bulk editing of student records or running a mail merge. Some functions are only available when using the options in the pink drop-down list.
- In the Pupil Manager module, select the student tab that you want to work with.
Use your preferred search method to find the student records that you want to work with. The Student/Pupil Records List is displayed: The options and categories available vary depending on which student records tab you are working in:
Current Students
Category Administrative Options Change student record status, edit records in bulk or delete records.
Option Use to... Mark current students as leavers.
Select a student record field and edit the entry. The same entry is made for all the students selected.
Select several student record fields and add different entries for each student.
Create a Unique Pupil Number/Unique Student Number for each student selected.
Add Exclusion This option is not currently being used. Set up access to the Parent Portal.
Delete student records from Ed:gen.
Letters, Labels & Badges Generate mail merges, create address labels and produce personalised student labels, etc. Option Use to... Send a mail merge to student contacts. Create a new letter or select any letter which has been set up in the Pupil Manager module. You can also select to send a mail merge to a Custom Contact Group from this option.
You may prefer to use this version of Letter Merging.
Work through the wizard to send a mail merge to student contacts. Create a new letter or select any letter which has been set up in the Pupil Manager module.
Create bespoke address labels for correspondence to student contacts. You can also create address labels for correspondence to a Custom Contact Group from this option.
Create bespoke address labels for correspondence to previous schools.
Create student badges with selected fields.
Create cards for student exam tables.
Exporting & Reports Generate simple reports and lists of student information. For example, generate a form list of students displaying student photos.
Option Use to generate... Export Student Records Reports in Excel using selected student record fields. Export CTF Records Produce CTF documents using selected student records. This is useful if you need to forward record information to other schools.
Reports listing student contact information.
A report of student record Notes. These Notes are for internal use only and are only listed in the Pupil Manager module.
A list of students. Select to display basic record details, such as date of birth and year group.
A list of student photos. Names and year groups are included in your list of photos.
Reporting Services Option Use to ... Custom Reports Generate a bespoke SSRS report. Contact the Help Desk if you need more help with SSRS reports. Group Saving Add students to a Custom Student/Pupil Group. Option Use to add your selection... Add to NEW Group To a newly created Custom Student/Pupil Group. To an existing Custom Student/Pupil Group.
Fees and Billing Option Use to... Create Charge Sheet Create a charge sheet in Excel. Enter fees and charges in the spreadsheet as required. Timetable Options View or print student timetables.
Option Use to... View Timetables Display individual student timetables in a single window. Use this for information only, it is not recommended that you edit timetables from this window. Print individual student timetables in a single document.
Communication Options Option It is not recommended that you use these options Create E-mail Use the Email Wizard option instead. Create SMS
Use the SMS Wizard option instead.
Communication Work through the wizards to get in touch with students and their contacts directly via email or SMS message. Option Use to... Email Wizard Send an email. SMS Wizard Send a text. Applicants
Category Administrative Options Change applicant record status, edit records in bulk or delete records.
Option Use to... Change applicants to current students.
Select an applicant record field and edit the entry. The same entry is made for all the applicants selected.
Select several applicant record fields and add different entries for each applicant.
Set up access to the Parent Portal.
Delete applicant records from Ed:gen.
Letters, Labels & Badges Generate mail merges, create address labels and produce reference letters, etc. Option Use to... Send a mail merge to applicant contacts. Create a new letter or select any letter which has been set up in the Pupil Manager module. You can also select to send a mail merge to a Custom Contact Group from this option.
You may prefer to use this version of Letter Merging.
Work through the wizard to send a mail merge to applicant contacts. Create a new letter or select any letter which has been set up in the Pupil Manager module.
Create bespoke address labels for correspondence to applicant contacts. You can also create address labels for correspondence to a Custom Contact Group from this option.
Create bespoke address labels for correspondence to previous schools.
Create applicant badges with selected fields.
Send a reference request to an applicant's former school.
Exporting & Reports Generate simple reports and lists of applicant information. For example, generate a list of applicants displaying applicant photos.
Option Use to... Export Applicants Records Generate reports in Excel using selected applicant record fields. Export CTF Records Produce CTF documents using selected applicant records. This is useful if you need to forward record information to other schools. Generate reports listing applicant contact information.
Generate a report of applicant record Notes. These Notes are for internal use only and are only listed in the Pupil Manager module.
Produce a report detailing a selection of the fields listed in applicant records.
Reporting Services Option Use to... Custom Reports Generate a bespoke SSRS report. Contact the Help Desk if you need more help with SSRS reports. Group Saving Add applicants to a Custom Student/Pupil Group. Option Use to... Add to NEW Group Add your selection to a newly created Custom Student/Pupil Group. Add your selection to an existing Custom Student/Pupil Group.
Communication Options Option It is not recommended that you use these options Create E-mail Use the Email Wizard option instead. Create SMS
Use the SMS Wizard option in the Current Students tab instead.
Communication Work through the wizard to get in touch with students and their contacts directly via email. Option Use to... Email Wizard Send an email. Former Students
Category Administrative Options Change student record status, edit records in bulk or delete records.
Option Use to... Reinstate former students as current students.
Select a student record field and edit the entry. The same entry is made for all the students selected.
Select several student record fields and add different entries for each student.
Delete student records from Ed:gen.
Letters, Labels & Badges Generate mail merges, create address labels and produce personalised student badges, etc. Option Use to... Send a mail merge to student contacts. Create a new letter or select any letter which has been set up in the Pupil Manager module. You can also select to send a mail merge to a Custom Contact Group from this option.
You may prefer to use this version of Letter Merging.
Work through the wizard to send a mail merge to student contacts. Create a new letter or select any letter which has been set up in the Pupil Manager module.
Create bespoke address labels for correspondence to student contacts. You can also create address labels for correspondence to a Custom Contact Group from this option.
Create bespoke address labels for correspondence to previous schools.
Create student badges with selected fields.
Exporting & Reports Generate simple reports and lists of student information. For example, generate a list of students displaying student photos.
Option Use to... Export Student Records Generate reports in Excel using selected student record fields. Export CTF Records Produce CTF documents using selected student records. This is useful if you need to forward record information to other schools.
Generate reports listing student contact information.
Generate a list of student photos. Names and year groups are included in your list of photos.
Group Saving Add student to a Custom Student/Pupil Group. Option Use to... Add to NEW Group Add your selection to a newly created Custom Student/Pupil Group. Add your selection to an existing Custom Student/Pupil Group.
Communication Options Option It is not recommended that you use these options Create E-mail Use the Email Wizard option instead. Create SMS
Use the SMS Wizard option in the Current Students tab instead.
Communication Work through the wizard to get in touch with students and their contacts directly via email. Option Use to... Email Wizard Send an email.