Searching for applicant and student records
Use the search options available under the student record tabs in the Pupil Manager module to search for student and applicant records:
Use your student record search to edit records in bulk, send letters to student contacts or generate reports.
A number of search options are available to you to search for individual records or groups of records. The options available vary depending on the student record tab you are using (Current Students/Applicants/Former Students).
Selecting this option gives you access to the default search screen (shown above) and all of the custom search tabs. Search records for information drawn from other modules. The options available vary depending on the student record tab you are using. Choose to save your custom searches to use again, if required; this saves time.
The search features in these custom search tabs are explained further in the corresponding drop downs below.
A quick way of searching for student and applicant records by surname. You can choose to list all student records alphabetically by surname.
- Click Surname in the header bar:
- Either:
Click on a letter to list student records with surnames starting with that letter. Use the letters listed in the header bar or in the screen displayed.
or - Click All in the header bar to list all student records alphabetically.
- Use the Year and House Filters displayed, if required, to filter the list of student records further.
- Use the sorting and grouping tools in the header to organise the records displayed, if required:
- Use the sorting and grouping tools in the header to organise the records displayed, if required:
- You are now ready to use the records listed, as required. See Understanding the student records list for more information.
Year Group and House Totals are displayed to the right of the screen to assist you further. Clicking on a year group or house takes you back to the Student/Pupil Search screen.
A quick way of searching for student and applicant records by year group. This is a useful if you want to send letters to student contacts or change student record status in bulk.
- Either:
Click Year Group in the
Current Students tab to search for students in a
current year group.
or -
Click Adm Years in the Applicants
tab to search for students by the year group they will enter when
joining your school.
or - Click Leaving Year Group in the Former Students tab to search for students by the year group they were in when they left your school.
An example of the screen displayed is shown below:
Year Group and House Totals are displayed to the right of the screen to assist you further. Clicking on a year group or house takes you back to the Student/Pupil Search screen.
Click Year Group in the
Current Students tab to search for students in a
current year group.
Click on a year group in the header bar to list student records in that year group.
or -
Click on a year group in the screen displayed to list student records in that year group.
- Use the Surname and House Filters, if required, to filter the list of student records further.
- Click in a selected column in the header bar to change the order that records are listed, if required:
- Use the sorting and grouping tools in the header to organise the records displayed, if required:
- You are now ready to use the records listed, as required. See Understanding the student records list for more information.
Search for records using a selection of key fields listed in student records. This is useful for using multiple search criteria. For example, choose to search for girls on the SEN Register and send letters to their parents.
The fields available vary according to the student records tab you are using (Current Students/Applicants/Former Students). An example is shown below:
- Use the fields and drop downs to enter a search term. Enter as many search criteria as required, student records are filtered accordingly.
- In the Search Options section, check the boxes to Include Applicants/Past Students/Current Students, if required.
- Either:
Click Save & Search to save the search. Enter
a name for the search in the window displayed and click
OK. This saves time if you intend to use the student
records again. Saved searches are listed under the Saved tab in the Custom Search screen.
or - Click Search.
Click Save & Search to save the search. Enter
a name for the search in the window displayed and click
OK. This saves time if you intend to use the student
records again. Saved searches are listed under the Saved tab in the Custom Search screen.
- Click in a selected column in the header bar to change the order that records are listed, if required:
- Use the sorting and grouping tools in the header to organise the records displayed, if required:
- You are now ready to use the records listed, as required. See Understanding the student records list for more information.
Search for records by class /set or form.
This search option is only available in the Current Students tab.
- Classes or sets are listed on the left and forms are listed on the right:
- Use the filters in the headers as required.
- Click on class/set or form to select it. Hold Ctrl to make multiple selections, if required.
- Either:
Click Save & Search to save the search. Enter
a name for the search in the window displayed and click
OK. This saves time if you intend to use the student
records again. Saved searches are listed under the Saved tab in the Custom Search screen.
or - Click Search.
Click Save & Search to save the search. Enter
a name for the search in the window displayed and click
OK. This saves time if you intend to use the student
records again. Saved searches are listed under the Saved tab in the Custom Search screen.
- Click in a selected column in the header bar to change the order that records are listed, if required:
- Use the sorting and grouping tools in the header to organise the records displayed, if required:
- You are now ready to use the records listed, as required. See Understanding the student records list for more information.
Search for records by pupil register, such as 'Free school meals' or 'Looked after'.
Select the values that you want to search. Multiple selections can be made if required.
- Either:
Click Save & Search to save the search. Enter
a name for the search in the window displayed and click
OK. This saves time if you intend to use the student
records again. Saved searches are listed under the Saved tab in the Custom Search screen.
or - Click Search.
Click Save & Search to save the search. Enter
a name for the search in the window displayed and click
OK. This saves time if you intend to use the student
records again. Saved searches are listed under the Saved tab in the Custom Search screen.
- Click in a selected column in the header bar to change the order that records are listed, if required:
- Use the sorting and grouping tools in the header to organise the records displayed, if required:
- You are now ready to use the records listed, as required. See Understanding the student records list for more information.
Search for records by extra curricular activities.
- Use the filters in the headers as required:
Use the checkboxes available to select the activity you want to search by. Make multiple selections, if required.
- Either:
Click Save & Search to save the search. Enter
a name for the search in the window displayed and click
OK. This saves time if you intend to use the student
records again. Saved searches are listed under the Saved tab in the Custom Search screen.
or - Click Search.
Click Save & Search to save the search. Enter
a name for the search in the window displayed and click
OK. This saves time if you intend to use the student
records again. Saved searches are listed under the Saved tab in the Custom Search screen.
- Click in a selected column in the header bar to change the order that records are listed, if required:
- Use the sorting and grouping tools in the header to organise the records displayed, if required:
- You are now ready to use the records listed, as required. See Understanding the student records list for more information.
Search for records by the custom student groups they are linked to, such as trips or events.
Custom student groups are listed on the screen as My Saved Groups (groups set up by you for your own use) and Shared Groups (which can be selected by all users):
- Click on groups to select them. Hold Ctrl to make multiple selections.
- In the Search Options section, check the boxes available to Include Applicants and Past Students. This optional section is only available in the Current Students tab.
- Either:
Click Save & Search to save the search. Enter
a name for the search in the window displayed and click
OK. This saves time if you intend to use the student
records again. Saved searches are listed under the Saved tab in the Custom Search screen.
or - Click Search.
Click Save & Search to save the search. Enter
a name for the search in the window displayed and click
OK. This saves time if you intend to use the student
records again. Saved searches are listed under the Saved tab in the Custom Search screen.
- Click in a selected column in the header bar to change the order that records are listed, if required:
- Use the sorting and grouping tools in the header to organise the records displayed, if required:
- You are now ready to use the records listed, as required. See Understanding the student records list for more information.
Search for records using multiple key fields listed in student records. The key fields available are related to school information, for example admissions year and year group. Choose to use your selections as a filter or to select multiple groups of records.
For example, either:
- Search for students from admission year 2020 who are also in a selected form.
or - Search for students from admission year 2020 and also search for students who are in a selected form.
- The selection boxes available depend on the student record tab you are using:
- Either:
Use your selections as a filter. Make selections from each box and
Add Clause.
Hold Ctrl to make multiple selections from each
box. Only records which are listed under all the selected terms are
included in your search.
or - Select multiple groups of students. Click Add Clause after you make a selection from each box. Hold Ctrl to make multiple selections from each box. Records which are listed in each of the selected terms are included in your search.
Use your selections as a filter. Make selections from each box and
Add Clause.
Hold Ctrl to make multiple selections from each
box. Only records which are listed under all the selected terms are
included in your search.
- In the Search section, check the boxes available to Include Current Students, Applicants and Past Students. This is optional.
- Either:
Click Save & Search to save the search. Enter
a name for the search in the window displayed and click
OK. This saves time if you intend to use the student
records again. Saved searches are listed under the Saved tab in the Custom Search screen.
or - Click Search.
Click Save & Search to save the search. Enter
a name for the search in the window displayed and click
OK. This saves time if you intend to use the student
records again. Saved searches are listed under the Saved tab in the Custom Search screen.
- Click in a selected column in the header bar to change the order that records are listed, if required:
- Use the sorting and grouping tools in the header to organise the records displayed, if required:
- You are now ready to use the records listed, as required. See Understanding the student records list for more information.
The Clauses you add are listed in the Previous Clauses box.
Search for records by:
- When a record has been updated and by who. This provides a useful audit trail.
- Parent profession. This is useful if you are arranging work experience and want to send a mail merge to parents.
- Either:
- In the Record Update Information section, use Updated By to select the user who last updated records:
Select the Update Date using the fields available. Choose
to search by just month or year, if required.
- In the Additional Contact Information section, enter a profession.
- In the Search Options section, check the boxes available to Include Current Students, Applicants and Past Students. This is optional.
- Either:
Click Save & Search to save the search. Enter
a name for the search in the window displayed and click
OK. This saves time if you intend to use the student
records again. Saved searches are listed under the Saved tab in the Custom Search screen.
or - Click Search.
Click Save & Search to save the search. Enter
a name for the search in the window displayed and click
OK. This saves time if you intend to use the student
records again. Saved searches are listed under the Saved tab in the Custom Search screen.
- Click in a selected column in the header bar to change the order that records are listed, if required:
- Use the sorting and grouping tools in the header to organise the records displayed, if required:
- You are now ready to use the records listed, as required. See Understanding the student records list for more information.
Build a bespoke search query using any standard or custom fields listed in student records.
- In the Custom Search - Clause Number 1 section, select the Data Field that you want to include in your search. Choose from standard or custom fields listed in student records:
- Select a Query Type from the drop-down list. Ensure that you choose a Query Type which can be applied to the Data Field you have selected. For example, use 'Equals' for text fields and 'Greater Than' for number fields.
In the Query box, either:
Select a value for the Data Field. Values are only
displayed when 'Equals' or 'Does Not Equal' is selected in
Query Type. Hold Ctrl to make multiple
or - Enter a value for the Data Field.
Select a value for the Data Field. Values are only
displayed when 'Equals' or 'Does Not Equal' is selected in
Query Type. Hold Ctrl to make multiple
- Check the Brackets box to list all records which contain your selected Data Field value. Uncheck the box if you want to use this Data Field as a filter.
- Check the Inc Another box to add another clause and complete additional Custom Search sections, as required.
- In the Search section, check the boxes available to Include Current Students, Admissions Students and Past Students. This is optional.
- Either:
Click Save & Search to save the search. Enter
a name for the search in the window displayed and click
OK. This saves time if you intend to use the student
records again. Saved searches are listed under the Saved tab in the Custom Search screen.
or - Click Search.
Click Save & Search to save the search. Enter
a name for the search in the window displayed and click
OK. This saves time if you intend to use the student
records again. Saved searches are listed under the Saved tab in the Custom Search screen.
- Click in a selected column in the header bar to change the order that records are listed, if required:
- Use the sorting and grouping tools in the header to organise the records displayed, if required:
- You are now ready to use the records listed, as required. See Understanding the student records list for more information.
Use a saved student or applicant record search to save time. You can access your own searches and those saved by other users. Searches are saved from the Custom Search function when you select Save & Search.
Saved searches for all student status are displayed but you can only access searches which have been created from the tab you are working in. For example, in the screen above the Current Students tab has been selected so only the searches marked 'Current Students' can be viewed.
- Select the user you want to work with. The searches available are listed. You may need to scroll down the screen to locate all the information listed for each search.
Select a search to display by either:
Clicking on the Search Name.
or - Clicking the search icon in your selected search.
Clicking on the Search Name.
- Click in a selected column in the header bar to change the order that records are listed, if required:
- Use the sorting and grouping tools in the header to organise the records displayed, if required:
- Click Back to Criteria and amend the search, if required. When you save your amended search, the original search is still saved.
- You are now ready to use the records listed, as required. See Understanding the student records list for more information.
Click the delete icon to remove a saved search that you no longer require. This is a useful housekeeping tool.
Use the Birthday Report wizard to generate a list of students and their birthdays.
Use the Student Quick View Details wizard if you want to quickly access basic student details.