Submit accounts

Once the accounts have been approved and signed, you're ready to submit them.

You must have previously entered your Companies House credentials before you can submit the accounts. Only filleted accounts can currently be filed.

  1. From the Clients menu, select Clients list then find and open the required client.If any of the entries are greyed out and you cannot select them, this is a restricted client — the client record has been set to Private and you do not have access. Contact your IRIS Elements administrator if you believe this is a mistake.
  2. From the Accounts production widget on the Dashboard, select the required accounting period. Ideally, select the latest / newest period.

    If a relevant account period does not exist, you must create and set up one first.

  1. Select the Submission tab.

    A date for approval must have been entered on the Approval tab for both the client and the accountant before the Submissions tab is available.

    If approval has been received and you are on the Approval tab, select Proceed to submission.

  2. The report type defaults to Filleted. Select Submit then Continue.

    If you've submitted a paper copy, select A paper copy to Companies House, then select Confirm.

    You must have previously entered the company authentication code. If you haven't, select client record, enter the code, save, then return to the Submissions tab.

The accounts are then submitted to Companies House and marked as completed. If required, you can download the accounts as iXBRL or PDF by selecting the applicable button.