IRIS employee verification - Employee details

IRIS Payroll Professional

Employee Details

When a Client is opted in to EVC, an EVC tab becomes available under Employee Details:

When a Client is opted in to EVC, an EVC tab becomes available under Employee Details

Do not send data to EVC
If an employee requests for their data to not be sent to EVC, then select the box Do not send data to EVC (any data sent previously is deleted).

Delete Data Held On EVC
If the employee has requested for their data to be deleted from EVC, select this button, the following message appears:

The message informs you that this process will also tick the box Do not send data to EVC.

To continue to delete the employees data from EVC click Yes. A progress bar is then shown:

A message is then displayed informing you whether the process was successful:

Click OK.

You will see that the Date of last data deletion on EVC is updated with the date and time the process was performed:

Run “Subject Access Request” Report
Employees have the right to access their personal information that is being held on EVC. When an employee requests this information, select this option to display the following screen, example below:

Click on the Preview button to produce a report which can be printed or saved to a file, to give to the employee, example of report below:

New Employee Wizard
When creating a new Payroll Data File or Mixed Data File in IPP via File\New under the Configuration details page you will see a section for EVC:

Leave the Opt out box un-ticked if the Client is to be Opted in to EVC, otherwise tick the box to opt the Client out of EVC.

Export Payroll List
A new section called EVC has been added to the Export Payroll List, with the following options:

  • Employer Opted In – will show whether the Employer is opted into EVC.

  • No of Current Ees Opted In – these are current employees where Do not send data to EVC is not ticked.

  • No of Current Ees Opted Out – these are current employees where Do not send data to EVC is ticked.

When these columns are selected and exported, all data files will be searched, and the information shown under the relevant column headers:

• Employer Opted Into EVC

• No Current Ees Opted Into EVC

• No Current Ees Opted Out Of EVC