Onboard an employee

The onboarding function allows you to give a future employee access to the system prior to their start date.

To do this:

  1. Add an employee via Directories > Create New.

  2. On the employee's Contact tab, add their On-Board Date

    Make sure this is before their start date.

  3. Using the On-Board Contact list, select the employee's contact.


The Starter Directory stores the employee's details until their start date. Once their start date arrives, the system moves the employee into the directory.

Set Rights

You may want to inactivate some of the tabs an onboarding employee can access until their employment starts. To do this, review their Set Rights Set Rights are the system permissions you allocate to employees to control the information available to a user about other employees..

The system assigns your default Set Rights if you do not update these for an employee.

Login details

You must contact the employee to provide them with their login details and give instructions on what they must do.


After logging in, the following displays for the employee:

  • Details of their 'Contact' on their homepage.

  • Details of their New Starter holiday entitlement (pro rata if applicable).

  • Notifications

  • Hyperlinks

  • Read & Accept documents for review. To add a document, go to Utilities > Company > Read & Accept.

    Remember to add a Where Clause.

Left-hand menu access

Company Handbook

To make parts of your company handbook available, go to Utilities > Company > Handbook and select On-Boarding in each section.

My Details

The tabs an employee can access in My Details depends on the Set Rights you have assigned to them.

Related topics:

Add a new employee

Process a leaver

Reinstating Leavers

Search for an employee in Directories

Add a new Directory tab