Published Report Toolbar

Update/Calculate - After you have made changes in your report, whether it is to change a selection, enter a comment or update some data you will need to select the update icon (or press the F9 key), to ensure that your new data is loaded or your changes are written back to the database (depending on the action you performed).

If there are any pending changes to data points or commentary that have not been updated, you will not be able to make any selections from drop-downs or the Member Explorer until the changes have been updated.

Clear Writebacks - Any data or comments highlighted in green are pending. Writeback is the process of saving the pending data back to the database.

Clicking the Clear all pending write backs icon allows you to clear all pending changes that have not yet been updated/saved. The icon is only enabled once any changes have been made.
Spreading Hold Cells - Exclude a selected cell from being altered when spreading. For more information, refer to Spreading Data for Budgeting and Forecasting.
Clear All Spreading Holds - Clears all held cells (cells which will not be included in a spread).

If you have not yet spread the cells, held cells will no longer be highlighted orange and will be included in any applicable spread. If cells have been previously spread, these cells will remain unaffected. For more information, refer to Spreading Data for Budgeting and Forecasting.
Drill To Transactions - Drill through to transactions allows you to gain access to more detailed information about the selected data point. Selecting this icon takes you to a separate tab with the breakdown of data contributing to the selected cell. For more information, refer to Drilling Down into Data.
Drill to View -Select a cell on the report and drill out to the data view relating to the selected cell.
Linked Analytics - Linked Analytics provides a means of navigating between related data views and reports via a menu of links. For more information, please see Linking Reports / Analytics.
Send to Excel - Send reports to excel for further analysis and distribution. When selecting this icon you are offered two options:

Send to Excel - Retains the IRIS Analytics formulas enabling the report to be edited in Excel (providing the Office Client has been installed) whilst retaining the data connection to IRIS Analytics.

Send without formulas - Sends the report to Excel without IRIS Analytics formulas. This option would typically be used if you want to use the report content to work with in Excel (to format, add charts, etc.) but don't want the data to be updated in the future.
Download as a PDF - Clicking this icon enables the report to be saved as a PDF file which can subsequently be opened, saved or distributed. For more information, please see Downloading a Report as a PDF.
Add to My Favourites - For reports that you frequently view or would like quick access to, clicking this icon marks the report as a favourite which can be accessed from your Favourites menu. For more information, please see Marking Documents as Favourites.
Open in New Browser - View the report on a separate tab in the browser which includes the report and the report toolbar only. 
Report Help - Where available, clicking this icon displays information about the specific report. If no specific help is available, the main help file is displayed.
Share - Share the report via email or copy a URL link.