Pay spines (Employer): Spine points


  1. Open the required company.

  2. Go to your company name > Settings.

  3. Select Pay Spines.

    Image showing the menu location of settings and pay spines.

  4. Select the required pay spine.

    Need to create a pay spline? Select +Add a Pay Spine.

  5. Select Add a Spinal Point.

  6. Enter the Effective Date.

    Until the Pay Spine Point Effective Date is set to a date on or after the Pay Spine Effective Date you wish to use, the previous pay spine will continue to be used.

  7. Select Create Multi Spine Points then enter the Number Of Points To Add to create multiple spine points.

    Image show9ing a new set of spine points being created with an effective from date and 10 spine points

  8. Select Create.

    Select + Add New Date to create a new effective from table.

    Select + Add New Spine Point to create a new spine point table.

  9. Enter the required information:

    You can import the spine point table.

    • No - The identifier of the spine point.

    • Name - The name of the spine point.

    • Annual Value - The annual salary.

    • Annual Value Alt Max -The alternative maximum annual salary.

    • Annual Value LA Inner - The inner London allowance annual salary.

    • Annual Value LA Inner Alt Max - The alternative maximum inner London allowance annual salary.

    • Annual Value LA Outer - The outer London allowance annual salary.

    • Annual Value LA Outer Alt Max - The alternative maximum outer London allowance annual salary.

    • Annual Value LA Fringe - The fringe London allowance annual salary.

    • Annual Value LA Fringe Alt Max - The alternative maximum fringe London allowance annual salary.

    Not all the fields have to be completed. Read the pay spines guide.

  10. Select Update Spine Points.

Good to know...