Tax payments and repayments section (CT600)

This section is used to provide details of corporation tax payments and repayments.

Refer to the HMRC Corporation Tax form for Company Tax (CT600) guidance if needed (opens in a new tab).

  1. Open the required tax return, then select the Data input tab.

  2. If the required section is listed, select it and skip the next step. If not, select Add a new section.

  1. On Choose section to add, under General, select Tax payments & repayments.

  2. Complete the section are follows, then select Save changes.

Tax payments and repayments

Tax refunds surrendered under s.963 CTA 2010

Bank details and nominee

If you haven't already, you can record the client's bank details or the practice bank details which are then used to automatically populate the bank details here.

Select who the payment will be made to.

You can set a default payment recipient in tax settings. You can also set the default agent details to be used.