What data is deleted

Use this list to identify what other data is removed when a client record is deleted.

IMPORTANT - deleting clients also deletes information related to the client, such as addresses, contacts, tax data, etc. We recommend only deleting clients added in error, or where you are legally required to do so.

If you don't want the client to be available for selection, you can mark them as inactive.

Before deleting the client, check the following list and make sure that you don't need to retain any of their data for legal purposes.

Any contacts for the deleted client will no longer be able to access the client portal.

Client management

Information deleted Comments
Information tab data Any data recorded on the Information tab is deleted.
Relationship links

If you've linked this client to another by recording a relationship, the relationship link will be deleted.

Bookkeeping connections If you have imported the client from another bookkeeping application, the connection to that application for this client will be deleted.

IRIS Elements Practice Management

Information deleted Comments
Jobs Any jobs created specifically for this client will be deleted.
Tasks Any tasks created specifically for this client will be deleted.
Services Any services created specifically for this client will be deleted.
Uploaded documents Any documents you have uploaded for this client will be deleted. You can check, and if necessary download copies, of any documents you've uploaded.
Contacts Any contacts unique to this client will be deleted. If they are also contacts of another client, that contact record will be retained.
Emails Any records of emails sent or received (access via the Emails tab) will be deleted.
Notes Any notes recorded for this client will be deleted.
Client Portal  

IRIS Elements Anti Money Laundering (AML)

Information deleted Comments
AML checks The results of any AML checks or reports will be deleted.
Risk profile Any risk profiles created for this client will be deleted.
Risk assessments Any risk assessments created for this client will be deleted.
KYC assessments Any KYC assessments created for this client will be deleted.
Uploaded documents Any AML documents you have uploaded for this client will be deleted. You can check, and if necessary download copies, of any AML documents you've uploaded.
Suspicious Activity Reports Any Suspicious Activity Reports created for this client will be deleted.

IRIS Elements Proposal Manager

Information deleted Comments
Draft proposals Any draft proposals created for this client will be deleted.
Sent proposals Any proposals sent to this client will be deleted.

IRIS Elements Tax and Accounts

Information deleted Comments
Tax returns Any tax returns created for the client will be deleted. If required, you can view and download a copy of the computation or submission receipt prior to deletion.
VAT returns Any VAT returns produced for this client will be deleted.
Tax calculations / computations Any tax return calculations or computations created for the client will be deleted. If required, you can view and download a copy of the computation prior to deletion.
Involvements / relationships

If a client is deleted, any data entered as part of an involvement with that client will be deleted. For example, if a partnership business is deleted, the SA800 returns will also be deleted. Any linked partner data been pushed through to the SA100 will be unaffected. The individual's partnership profit share will be retained on their SA100.


Tax return status data Any record of when tax returns were submitted will be deleted.

IRIS Elements Accounts Production

Information deleted Comments
Accounting periods Any accounting periods created for this client will be deleted. For partnerships, any partnership accounts are deleted.
Prepared accounts Any accounts that have been prepared for this client will be deleted.
Bookkeeping connections Any connections to bookkeeping applications will be removed.

IRIS Elements Company Secretarial

Information Comments
All forms Forms will be retained for any clients who have a relationship with the deleted client.

IRIS Elements Company Formations

Information deleted Comments
All client data Name, address, SIC code (for businesses), etc.
Share register and share allocates Deleted where applicable.
Formation record (businesses only) Including any information which is in progress or has been previously submitted.