Create Sales Accounts

This guidance is only for IRIS Financials Version 7.0.2223 or later. If using version 7.0.2103 or earlier, go to Creating Sales Accounts .

Customers who receive goods sold by the your organisation or who use your premises and facilities in exchange for a charged fee must have a sales account on the Sales Ledger.

To set up a Sales account, create an account on the Sales Accounts ledger, with the following details:

  • If the customer requires sales invoices to be sent to a different email address than the one supplied for the contact, you must add an additional email address for use with the Emailer Suite
  • On Indices, select the Values for ACTIVITIES, DIRECTORATE, and FUNDTYPE. If you are not sure what value to use, select XNODET.

  • On Address, enter the customer's address. A space must be added between the first and second parts of the Post code.

    If the sales invoice is sent to a specific department or person, Pre-name can be used to record the details.

  • On Payment Information:
  • Set the required security for user groups with access.