Additional Feedback Providers overview

The Additional Feedback Providers (AFP) function enables line managers/appraisers to request feedback from other employees.

  • Only line managers and admins/Set Rights users can send an AFP request.

  • Employees must have a record in the system to receive an AFP request.

Activate AFP

To activate AFP functionality, go to:

  1. Sign in to IRIS HR Professional.

  2. System Tools > Utilities > Tools > System Configuration.

  3. Within the Module section, select Performance Management (AFP).

The AFP functionality allows you to invite employees to become additional feedback providers without giving them access to the employee's Perform tab.

You can also:

  • Select AFPs when assigning appraisals to employees.

  • Limit the number of AFPs.

  • Specify whether AFPs are named or anonymous.

  • Specify which sections of the appraisal you want AFPs to contribute to.

You do not need to amend Set Rights Set Rights are the system permissions you allocate to employees to control the information available to a user about other employees. or update access for AFPs as the system sends employees a notification (via email and/or on their Home page) asking them to provide feedback.

The notification includes a link to the appraisal sections for the employee to provide feedback and an option to decline the invitation. The employee cannot view any other appraisal section.

Related topics:

These are the steps you should complete before creating your appraisal templates:

After you have completed these steps, you can Create a new appraisal template .