Create a new appraisal template

  1. Sign in to IRIS HR Professional.

  2. Go to System Tools > Utilities > Apps > Perform Framework > Create New.

  3. Complete the screen using this table as a guide:

    Description/How to complete
    Enter a name for the framework/template. Examples include:
    • One- to-One
    • Sales Team
    • Company Appraisal
    It is best practice to keep the name generic without including the date or year.
    When assigning the template to employees, you or they can use the Alias option to name and date the template copy.
    Enter details about the form's purpose and give instructions to employees on how to complete it.
    Max. Rating
    Enter the default maximum rating that can be awarded for appraisals created from this framework (also shown in the charts on appraisal templates).
    There are no minimum or maximum limits, but a maximum of 4 or 5 is standard.
    When adding groups (sections) to the framework, you can also set group ratings that override the default ratings. Although the Max. Rating must be the highest possible number of ratings.
    Rating Labels
    Describe each rating using a maximum of 50 characters and make sure to add one for each number.
    You do not need to add the rating number as the system adds these.
    • Start with the lowest rating.
    • Use the highest rating for the best performance.
    • Add each label on a new line.


    Examples include Poor, Good, Okay.
    Framework Owner
    Select the template owner’s name (usually an HR system administrator or a head of department) from the list.


    Default Manager Status
    If required, select the appropriate status from the list.
    Leaving this field blank means there is no reference to any status being used and indicates not started.


    Default Employee Status
    You can use the default status to lock the form to make sure no one can update it during specific parts of the process.


    This is useful to prevent an employee from accessing the form while a line manager completes their section.


    If required, select the appropriate status (usually In Progress) from the list.
    Submit Manager Status
    If required, select the appropriate status from the list.
    Notify Owner
    Select this to notify the Framework Owner when the appraisal status changes to the status you chose on the Submit Manager Status field.


    Bear in mind that this could generate a high number of emails.
    Submit Employee Status
    If required, select the appropriate status from the list.
    Notify Owner
    Select this to notify the Framework Owner when the appraisal status changes to the status you chose on the Submit Employee Status field.


    Bear in mind that this could generate a high number of emails.


    AFP Count
    You must enable this field for it to display on this screen. Go to System Tools > Utilities > Tools > System Configuration and within the Modules section, select Performance Management (AFP).
    Add a figure to limit the number of Additional Feedback Providers.
    Select this to include a Notes section in the template.
    You can rename this section if required.
    Select this to include a Communication section in the template.
    You can rename the Communications section and use it to allow the employee and manager to communicate via message.


    Select to include a Documents section in the template.
    Adding a Document section allows the employee and manager to upload documents relevant to the appraisal.
    You can rename this section if required.


    Reminder Alerts
    Select this to include the facility to add Reminder Alerts related to the template.
    Notes Label
    To change the name of the Notes field, enter the new name.
    Communication Label
    To change the name of the Communication field, enter the new name.
    Documents Label
    To change the name of the Documents field, enter the new name.
    Bar Colour
    This allows you to create your Perform template using your company's branded colours for the above labels.
    Text Colour
    Select the colour for the text for the above labels.
    Goals & Values
    Select the company Goals and Values to add to the appraisal.
    Select this to make the appraisal framework available for selection when users create new appraisals.
  1. Select Save to add your new appraisal template to the list on the Perform screen.

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