Record adjustments to trade profit (CT600)

The Adjustments to trade profit tab allows input of the net profit per the trading accounts and the necessary adjustments to determine the actual trading profit chargeable to tax for the accounting period.

Add the Trading profits section to the return (or select it if already added), then select the Trade Summary tab.

Complete the section as follows, then select Save changes.

Trade profit adjustment

Net profit/(loss) per accounts - enter the net profit or loss per the accounts.


Complete the Depreciation grid

Complete the Amortisation grid

Complete the Loss or (profit) on sale of fixed assets grid

Complete the Disallowable entertaining grid

Complete the Donations grid

Complete the Legal and professional fees grid

Complete the Remuneration not paid grid

Complete the Provisions and bad debts grid

Complete the Other disallowable expenses grid

Less: Amounts taxable under other schedules

Complete the Annuities and annual payments grid

Complete the Non exempt dividends grid

Complete the Income from which income Tax has been deducted grid

Complete the Loss or (profit) on sale of fixed assets grid

Complete the Other income and gains grid

Less: allowable deductions not in accounts

Complete the Enhanced research and development expenditure grid

Complete the Land remediation enhanced expenditure grid

Complete the Other deductions from trade profits grid

Net Capital Allowances

Shows the net capital allowances. Use the Capital allowances tab to record capital allowances.

Taxable trade profits