Complete the Income from UK land and buildings grid

Property income, expenses and capital allowances should be entered via Property Income from the Data Input tab. Use this screen to override the property income that is to be deducted from trading profits.

  1. Add the Trading profits section to the return (or select it if already added), then select the Adjustments to trade profit tab.
  2. Select Edit to open the grid and complete as follows:

    • Amount to deduct/(add) (calculated from Property Income section) - this field shows the adjustment to be made to the accounting profit to remove property income from the accounts..

    • Override the amount? – select to override the amount being deducted from the accounts.

    • Amount of profit or (loss) taxable as property income – enter the amount to be deducted (or added) to the accounts to reflect the profits (or losses) from property income. Enter losses as a negative figure..

  3. A new line is automatically added. Unwanted lines can be deleted using the bin icon. Select Save changes.