Register clients with IRIS Elements Company Secretarial

To start using IRIS Elements Company Secretarial, you first need to register your clients. The number of clients you can have registered at one time will depend on the pricing plan you subscribed to (plans are based on the number of clients).

The various triggers that generate company secretarial forms won't work until you have registered your clients.

You need to enter your Companies House presenter details in the Vault to submit forms to Companies House electronically.

To register a client with company secretarial, they must be a limited company (LTD). They must also have the status of Client (and not a Prospect or Non-client).

  1. Select Client registration from the menu of the Company Secretarial widget.

    Register clients company secretarial

  2. The Client registration page opens. This page lists all of your currently registered clients, and displays how many more clients you can register according to your subscription plan.

  3. Select Register clients from the Actions menu.

    Register clients button Company Secretarial

  4. A list of clients appears that meet the criteria for registration. You can start typing the company name in the search box to refine your results. Select the client or clients that you wish to register, and select Save.

    List of clients to register Company Secretarial

  5. The Client registration page is updated with the newly registered client or clients.

The registered clients are now subject to the triggers that generate forms in IRIS Elements Company Secretarial. As you make changes to the client's records in the system, forms are generated as needed and appear on the Company Secretarial widget or in the Forms page.