Review your forms

The review page allows you to check that all the information needed to submit the form to Companies House has been completed.

The forms CS01 (Confirmation statement) and DS01 (Striking off application by a company) do not have a review stage. Upon manually generating these forms, you'll be taken straight to the submission step.

How reviews work

The amount of additional information you need to add on this page depends on the type of form being generated.

No matter the form type, you will need to enter an Effective date on this page to continue.

Changes made to data on the review page have no impact on the client record.

Reviews for data change forms

Forms that deal with data changes, such as the CH01 (Change of director's details) display the changes that have been made to the client's data in a From and To format, and the mandatory information required to submit the form, e.g. the client's date of birth.

Company secretarial review page type 1

Links in the From column allow you to override the information that is held about the client in the client record (without affecting the client record). This enables you to match the information that Companies House has on file about your client on the form being submitted.

If there has been more than one data change, but you only want to submit certain changes to Companies House, you can clear any checkboxes that sit alongside the data you want to omit.

Enter the Effective date and select Save and continue.

Reviews requiring additional data

The other review page type deals with forms that are used in activities such as appointing new officers, terminating officers, or logging dormant company accounts.

These forms often require more data about the client or officer than is usually kept in the client record. This review page type therefore allows extra data to be added before generating and submitting the form to Companies House.

If your client records contain all of the information needed to generate the form, you'll just need to check the data during this stage and add an Effective date before proceeding.

Once you've completed the review, on the Actions list, select Generate the form.

Company Secretarial generate form button

Alternatively, you can remove the changes (and the form), by selecting the more options icon, then Remove changes.

Generating the form takes you to the Form submission page.