Manage the IRIS Vault

The Vault is used to store login details so that you can complete tasks that require third party connection.

On the Vault page, you can view ‘secrets’ that are currently stored in the system. The page displays the Secret name, the Secret type, the Third party that the data relates to, and the date and time the secret was Last modified.

Elements Vault page

Add Companies House presenter details

You'll need to add your Companies House presenter details to the Vault before you can make submissions to Companies House in IRIS Elements Company Formations and IRIS Elements Company SecretarialCompany Secretarial.

  1. On the cog icon on the top menu, select Settings.

  2. Select Vault.

  3. Select Create new secret.

    Add new secret in the Elements Vault

  4. Enter a Secret name to help you to remember the type of credentials being added. Under Third partyselect Companies House.

  5. Enter your credentials and select Save to finish.