View credit scores

We've partnered with Capitalise to provide some free basic credit score information for any client or prospect with a UK company number. The information includes the credit score, band, credit score change, explanation, benchmark, credit limit history and any legal notices.

To enable this feature, you'll first need to turn on credit score tracking.

You can also sign up for a free trial with Capitalise where you can view more detailed financial health information for 10 of your clients.

Capitalise credit score page

Monitoring your clients' credit data over time allows you to keep track of potential risks, as well giving you the insight needed to provide valuable advisory services.

The credit data shown in the platform, sourced from Capitalise partners Experian, is refreshed every weekend. Credit score fluctuations are tracked so you can take action when needed.

View client credit scores on the client list

You can view at-a-glance information on tracked clients' credit scores on the Client list.

Capitalise client list page

The Credit Score column displays the score. Up or down arrows indicate whether the score has gone up or down since the previous week. If a credit score has stayed the same, no arrow is present.

View a client's credit score in the client dashboard

You can access more in-depth information on a client's credit data by visiting the client dashboard.

  1. From the Clients menu, select Clients list.
  2. Change the client list view to either Active clients or a custom view that includes all relevant clients.
  3. If any of the entries are greyed out and you cannot select them, this is a restricted item — the parent client record has been set to Private and you do not have access. If you believe this is a mistake, contact your IRIS Elements administrator. Users who have Administrator level permissions are able to view all public and private client records, even those where they are not named as assigned users.

  4. An overview of the client's credit score is displayed in the Credit score widget. To open the report, select View details.

    Capitalise credit score overview

  5. The Credit score result page opens. This page displays your client's risk band, any changes to their credit score, an explanation of the score, a credit score benchmark, their credit limit history, any legal notices held against the company, and the date their score was last completed.

    Capitalise report overview