Create Emails

  1. Go to Messaging.
  2. Select Email.
  3. To create a message, either:
    • Enter a meaningful Subject, then the Message.

    • To add a template message, select Use Template.

    To add personal details to the message or template, use the required dynamic text fields.

  4. If recipients can respond to the message, select Allow Reply.

    [Insert graphic as Allow Reply is a switch at the top of the message that could be easily missed]

  5. Select the Recipients.
  6. To choose which contacts linked to the recipient receive the message, select the Recipient Options.
  7. Choose when to send the message from Message Scheduling:
    • To send the message immediately — Select Yes.
    • To delay sending the message or to send it on specific dates or times — Select No, then complete the required Message Scheduling options
  8. To save and display a summary of the message details, select Send.

    Schedule Delivery messages are not sent until the date and time set.

  9. Send the message.