Choose Message Recipients

When sending email, text, or IRIS ParentMail app messages, to choose who receives the message, select Recipients:

The student must be selected as the recipient to send messages related to them to their parents and carers.

Select the required recipients from any of the following:

To find specific recipients, Filter the lists, or use Search.

Recipients option When to use
Year/ Registration Group

Displays students by year, then registration group.

Use to:

  • Send messages to parents and carers
  • Select all or specific students
Timetabled Classes

Display students by timetabled class.

Use to:

  • Sendmessages to parents and carers
  • Select all or specific students

Only available if IRIS ParentMail is set up to import timetabled class data from your Management Information System (MIS).

Custom Groups

Only displays groups your organisation has created. Lists can include any type of contact.

Use to:

  • Send messages to staff members, governors, or contacts not linked to students
  • Send messages to parents and carers if the message isn't about their linked students
  • Select students from specific groups, such as art club, drama club, SENCo groups, and so on
  • .

Did you know? 
To send messages to contacts not imported from your Management Information System (MIS), add them as a user, then create a custom group.