AI Writing Assistant Examples

The new Messaging feature is now available and will replace Email and SMS very soon. To avoid any disruption, we recommend you start using the new Messaging feature now. For more information, go to Messaging Getting Started Guide.

If you are using the AI Writing Assistant to create emails, but are not sure what to enter, use the following examples for guidance: 

Do not enter any personal or sensitive data, intellectual property, or other information that should not be publicly available. For more details about what not to enter, go to AI Writing Assistant Overview.

Examples of information to enter in the AI Writing Assistant

  • Write a short email about school being closed due to bad weather
  • Write an email for a special assembly being held for a teacher who is retiring
  • Write an email informing parents nuts are not allowed in packed lunches
  • Write a message about clothing needed for sports day

A video is also available demonstrating the full process when using the AI Writing Assistant for the first time.

Want to get the most out of the AI Writing Assistant? — Try our top tips!