Import Staff Data from SIMS into IRIS ParentMail

Importing staff member data from SIMS into IRIS ParentMail requires you to complete processes in SIMS before data can be imported.

Data Extracted From SIMS for IRIS ParentMail

The following data is extracted from SIMS for staff members:

  • Title
  • Legal Forename
  • Legal Surname
  • External ID
  • Gender
  • DOB
  • From section 5 Contact Information the following data is exported:
    • Work Email Address — Only the email address set as Work and Primary is exported.
    • Mobile Number — Only the telephone number set as Mobile and Primary is exported.

Before Exporting Data From SIMS

Before you export the data from SIMS, in SIMS you must:

  1. For each staff member we recommend you check:
    • The email address you want to extract is set as Work and Primary.
    • The mobile number you want to extract is set as Mobile and Primary.
  2. In SIMS, check you have the Third Party Reporter and Personnel Officer permissions.
  3. From IRIS ParentMail, download the Staff RptDef report definition file.
  4. In SIMS, import the Staff RptDef file.

Importing Staff Data from SIMS

  1. In SIMS, to run the PMX2 Staff Export report: 
    1. Go to Reports, then select Run Report.
    2. Select Focus, then Staff.
    3. Find the PMX2 Staff Export report, then select Run.
    4. Leave the effective date as displayed, then select OK.
    5. From the Export as Text window, select Browse.
    6. Enter the File name, select the location, Save in CSV format, then select OK.
    7. On the confirmation message, select OK.
  2. Open the saved report, then check relevant details are populated with the expected data and it is correct.

    If the details are incorrect, update the relevant details in SIMS, then run the PMX2 Staff Export report again.

  3. Import the updated report in IRIS ParentMail.
  4. To identify any data that was not imported successfully, run the Staff Rejected Records Report.

If you need help with importing, use Live Chat, or log a support ticket (a Service Cloud account is required) with our Support Team.