Create Accounts for Trips

This guidance is only for IRIS Financials Version 7.0.2103 or earlier. If using version 7.0.2223 or later, go to Creating a Trip.

When recording income and expenditure for trips to the income nominal 1130 and expenditure nominals 65006515 for the Trip Accounts ledger, an account for the trip must be created.

On the Trip Accounts ledger, create an account, with the following details:

  • On Analysis Fields, complete the relevant options. 

    A trip account can have up to three approvers for requisitions or purchase orders relating to the trip created in IRIS Financials Purchasing. If the PO Approval Level and REQ Approval Level options are displayed, select the relevant approvers.

  • On Indices, select the required options you want to report on, and the Values.

    The ACTIVITIESand FUNDTYPE indices could be mandatory, therefore if you do not want to use indices for reporting, select the XNODET value.

  • Set the required security for user groups with access.