Creating a Trip

This guidance is only for IRIS Financials Version 7.0.2103 or earlier. If using version 7.0.2223 or later, go to Create Accounts for Trips.

Some Of the nominals and ledgers used in this topic may be different to those in your chart of accounts.

The Trips ledger has a set range of nominals that are attached to it by default. As a consequence, when income is posted to the nominal AST1130 (where AST represents the location code) and expenditure is posted to the AST6500 – AST6515 codes, a trip account is required.

Nominals referenced throughout this topic are applicable to the IRIS Financials Chart of Accounts. If using another chart of accounts, the nominals used for trips may be different.

  1. Select Maintenance, then select Accounts from the menu.
  2. Double-select to select AST_TRIPS - AST Trip Accounts (where AST represents the location code) from the Select a ledger dialog.
  3. The Account Maintenance window is displayed with existing trip accounts listed in the left-hand panel. Select ADD NEW, then select ACCOUNT.
  4. A <New item> is displayed in the left-hand panel and automatically selected. Enter a code in Account (limited to 12 characters) e.g. CORNWALL21, together with a title for the account in Title, e.g. Cornwall July 2021.
  5. Select the Analysis Fields tab, which is used to record the main details of the trip as follows (all are optional):
    Places - enter the number of places available for this trip e.g. 60.
    Trip Departure Time - enter the departure time of the trip e.g. 08:30.
    Trip Price - enter the price per student for the trip e.g. 186.00.
    Trip Date - select in the field, then use the drop-down calendar to select the date of the trip e.g. 19/07/2021.
    Vatable - select Drill (...), then select either N (No) or Y (Yes) from the Select VATABLE key dialog to specify whether the trip is subject to VAT.
  6. It is possible that each trip (account within the TRIPS ledger) can have up to three approvers for requisitions or purchase orders created in IRIS Purchasing enabling trip expenditure to be closely monitored. If available, these fields are displayed as PO Approval Level 1, REQ Approval Level 1, etc. Select Drill (...) in the field, then double-select to select the required approver from the Select USERS account dialog. If these analysis fields are not displayed, but you would like to add approvers, please see Assigning Approvers to Fixed Asset and Trip Accounts.

  7. Select the Indices tab. The indices are used to select how you want to report on the trip account. If you want to report on the account under a specific funding arrangement, select the applicable index and value. The ACTIVITIES and FUNDTYPE indices may be mandatory (depending on your system setup) therefore if you do not wish to use indices for reporting, select the XNODET for both indices.
  8. Finally, select the Security tab to determine who can View, Modify, and Post to the trip account. Select Drill (...) in the required security field, then double-select to select the security role from the Select a role for dialog. We recommend Modify access is restricted the the person who administers your system (select Z_SYSADMIN from the Select a role for dialog).
  9. Once you have completed the relevant information, select SAVE to save the new trip account.
  10. An Update complete message is displayed. Select OK to close the message and return to the previous window.