Add Accounts for Bank Accounts

This guidance is only for IRIS Financials Version 7.0.2223 or later. If using version 7.0.2103 or earlier, go to Creating a new bank account.

After a nominal has been created for a bank account, IRIS Financials accounts for the bank account must be added to the banking ledgers.

  1. Go to Banks, then select Bank Accounts.

  2. Select ADD NEW, then select BANK ACCOUNT.

    If the bank account has the same settings as an existing account, select the account you want to copy, then ADD NEW, then BANK ACCOUNT (COPY).

  3. Enter the Bank account number, then the Sort code (do not enter any spaces or hyphens).
  4. Enter the bank account name in Title.
  5. Select ... in Nominal, then select the nominal the bank account is linked to.

    Do not select a nominal already linked to another bank account.

  6. If there are funds in the bank account, enter the value in Balance (do not enter any currency symbols, such as, £, $.).
  7. SAVE the account.
  8. Go to Maintenance, then select Accounts.

  9. Find and select the Banks Ledger.
  10. Add a new account, with the following details:
    • On General
      • In Account — Enter the bank account number
      • In Title — Enter the name of the bank account
    • On Indices, select FUNDTYPE - Fund Type, then the required fund type from Values.

      If you are not sure which fund type option to choose, select XNODET - No Detail Selected or Required.

  11. Set the required security for user groups with access.
  12. Repeat steps 8 to 11 for the location bank ledger, such as AST Bank Accounts.
  13. If the bank account is the default account for the location, set it as the default bank account .