What is the Office Client?

IRIS Analytics incorporates add-ins for Microsoft Office products - Excel, Word and PowerPoint.

The Excel add-in allows you to send a report from IRIS Analytics to Excel to view, format and manipulate your data further. You can then publish the report from Excel to the internet as a live reports. The following graphic shows an Income Statement report sent to Excel.

The Word and PowerPoint add-ins enable sections of reports (called Skylights) to be included in Word documents or PowerPoint presentations. They can be updated to show the very latest data, preventing the need to produce a new report whenever data changes. For more information, please see Overview of Skylights.

The Office Client needs to be installed before it can be used. Refer to Installing the Calumo Office Client for installation instructions if required.

Related Topics

  1. Working with Reports and Data Views in Excel
  2. Overview of Skylights