
This module is designed to interface with HMRC’s DPS (Data Provisioning Service) and facilitates the electronic passage with the recommendations made as part of the Carter report of the provisioning of data.

Menu options and processes may be specific your configuration so the guidance provided here is generic.

The e-Filing module is what is often referred to as a ‘global’ function. This means that a set of data is maintained as an installation and not specific to any one payroll. In a standalone or fully networked installation of IRIS Payrite, there is a directory subordinate to the main IRIS Payrite directory, called IRIS Payrite.EDI. This is where the e-filing data is stored.

In a Client/Server installation, the IRIS Payrite.EDI folder is in a directory subordinate to the PAYDATA directory where the payroll folders are stored. The IRIS Payrite.EDI folder performs a ‘hopper’, where data is stored prior to transmission to the HMRC or distribution into the Payrolls.

Data held in IRIS Payrite.EDI can be rejected or deleted, if required. Multiple PAYE schemes may feed into the IRIS Payrite.EDI folder but only one scheme is allowed per transmission, as dictated by HMRC rules.

You can run an audit on changes made in E-Filing, go to E-Filing > Audit.

Maintain a list of ‘live’ payrolls

It is essential that a list of live payrolls is maintained so that any given form can be allocated to the correct employee. The software will search for the employee using the companies PAYE scheme and NI number.

You must have ‘supervisor’ access to IRIS Payrite. In the case of a Bureau, we recommend this is run out of hours.

  1. Go to Security > Payrolls and click Mark payrolls as live / copy payrolls.

  2. Select the box to mark a payroll as live.

  3. Select Save.

    The cross-company index is rebuilt. This may take some time and requires all users to log out of IRIS Payrite.