How IRIS Earnie IQ can help you with Workplace Pension Reform
All the help you need for IRIS Payroll.
You can find more help and resources on the IRIS Payroll Help Hub.
Including: Payroll & HR legislation, Important dates and figures and My ePay Window.
The IRIS AE Suite enables you to manage your new or existing Workplace Pension Scheme more effectively.
You can:
Configure Auto Enrolment (including any postponement period).
Hold detailed pension information in Employee Details.
Auto-enrol employees during the payroll run.
Manage opt-outs.
Manage opt-ins/joins.
Print detailed pension reports (from the Reports menu).
Create pension files to enrol workers or for a contribution schedule.
In this section:
How do I configure and assign Pension Deductions to a Pension Fund?
What additional pension information do I need to add to Employee Details?
How do I refund pension contributions if an employee has opted-out?