Select/Print Pension reports
IRIS Earnie IQ has several pension reports to assist you with administering your pensions. In order to print the reports, you must first select them from the Reports menu.
Report | Library Section |
Automatic Enrolment Summary by Period | Summaries |
Pension Summary by Employee | Summaries |
Pension Summary by Fund | Summaries |
Pension Summary for Period | Summaries |
Pension Key Ages | Employee Reports |
Pension Status | Employee Reports |
Pension Fund Employees | Employee Reports |
Pension Fund Remittance | Multi Period Reports |
Pension Fund Details | Company Reports |
Pension Opt-out Date | Employee Reports |
Declaration of Compliance | Company Reports |
Automatic Enrolment Summary by Period
When using the Company Costs Summary, if you want automatic enrolment pensions to appear in the Employer Pension Costs figure, add the pension deductions to one of the ‘Ers’ pension report groups.
This shows any employees auto-enrolled in the selected period as well as any not enrolled and the reason why.
Pension Summary by Employee
This report prints details of the pension contributions for individual employees within a selected pay period. The report does not show employees who have their employee and employer contributions set to zero. It groups employees by the Pension Fund selected in Employee Details.
Pension Summary by Fund
This report prints the pension contributions by all or selected Pension Funds. The report includes employees with pension contributions associated with the fund, but does not include employees with their employee and employer contributions set to zero.
Pension Summary for Period
A summary style report showing Employee, NI Number, Pensionable Pay, Assumed Pensionable Pay and Qualifying Earnings for the pay period selected.
Pension Key Ages
This report details all current employees who are set to reach a key age for Workplace Pensions in the selected pay period, so any employee turning 16, 22, State Pension Age, or 75.
You can print this per Pension Fund or for all Pension Funds.
Pension Status
This report contains the automatic enrolment information for each employee.
You can print this per Pension Fund or for all Pension Funds.
Pension Fund Employees
This report allows you to select a Pension Fund, a From and To date to print it for, and exclude employees. For example, you may want to exclude auto-enrolled employees who wish to opt-out. You can withhold their contributions from the pension provider for up to 3 months after Auto Enrolment (if the provider permits this).
The report includes any employee who has an employee or employer pension contribution value with the selected Pension fund. For an employee to include in this report, their contributions must have been deducted within the selected date range. The report also includes employees who have had pension payments withheld in previous months, which now need including.
Pension Fund Details
This report prints the details of all Pension Funds created within the company.
Pension Opt-out Date
This report prints details of all employees with an Opt-out Date within a specified date range.
Declaration of Compliance Report
You must complete a Declaration of Compliance with The Pensions Regulator as part of Automatic Enrolment. To assist with this, we have added a Declaration of Compliance report. This report contains lots of information to help you complete your declaration.
To install the report, from Reports, select Library Selection and then Company Reports. Double-click on Declaration of Compliance, select OK, and then Close.
Once installed, print the report from Reports > Print Company Reports.
The payroll software does not hold ALL the information you need for Declaration of Compliance.
The report is only for a single PAYE Reference. Therefore, if the company has more than one PAYE reference, you must merge the data from each report.