Edit the risk assessment template

We provide a default risk assessment template which automatically calculates the risk level once the assessment has been completed. You can create your own risk assessment questions by editing the default template which can then be used for all future risk assessments.

You can revert to the original default template at any time.

  1. From the Clients menu, select Clients list.
  2. Change the client list view to either Active clients or a custom view that includes all relevant clients.
  3. If any of the entries are greyed out and you cannot select them, this is a restricted item — the parent client record has been set to Private and you do not have access. If you believe this is a mistake, contact your IRIS Elements administrator. Users who have Administrator level permissions are able to view all public and private client records, even those where they are not named as assigned users.

  4. Select the AML tab. 
  5. In the Risk assessment panel select Create risk assessment to create a new one.
  6. Next to the template name, select the edit icon.

  7. To change the order of the sections, select the drag handle and move the section up or down the list. 

  8. As required, expand each section by selecting the down-arrow. You can:
    • select the bin icon to delete the section or question.
    • change the Section title.
    • change the order of the questions within each section by dragging the handle icon at the beginning of the question.
    • add a question by selecting Add question at the end of the section.
    • add a section by selecting Add section at the end of the assessment. You can then drag any existing questions into the section, or add new questions.
  9. To turn automatic risk scoring on and off, toggle the risk scoring switch. If on, the risk level is set automatically for each section. If off, you can set the risk level yourself.
  10. To revert back to the default assessment sections and questions provided by IRIS, select Revert to default questions

    If selected, any changes made prior to and during this session will be lost. 

  11. To abandon any changes made in this session before saving, select Reset questions.
  12. Select Save questions to save your changes.