Manage Sales Items

  1. Select Payments > Payment Items.
  2. A list of all available payment items is displayed.

    The following search options are available:

    Search by name — enter the name of the item (or part of it), then press Enter.

    All Categories — select the required category from the drop-down list to limit the results displayed by category.

    All Statuses — select the required status from the drop-down list to limit the items displayed based on their status.

  1. Select the required item to view the details.

Edit Items

  1. Select Actions, then Edit.
  2. Edit the item, then select Save.

    If a setting is greyed out you are unable to change the details. A new item needs to be created. For more information, go to Create Sales Items.

  3. A confirmation message is displayed asking if you want to advise those who have purchased this item of the changes. Select Yes or No, as required.
  4. A success message is displayed. Select OK to return to the item details.


There are various reasons why a payment item cannot be viewed by a person.

Check the IRIS ParentMail Section being Viewed

A person purchases Payment from the Payments menu in the IRIS ParentMail app. Any items that are compulsory, nearing their due date, overdue payment, or outstanding are displayed in To Pay. Any items that are not upcoming yet, or are available all the time, are displayed in Shop.

Check Student User Type

Check the User Type for the user the item is to be purchased for is Student. For more information, go to Add and Maintain Users.

Check Student is Assigned to the Item

If Specific Users has been selected for the item, check the student has been selected from the Contacts Book. For more information, go to Create Sales Items.

Check Item Purchase Window is Open

Check that the payment item is still available for purchase (for example, a trip does not have a date in the past). For more information, go to Create Sales Items.