Update SIMS Pre-Admissions Report Application Status
For students to be displayed on the pre-admissions report, their application status in SIMS must be Offered or Accepted. If your pre-admissions are set under a different application status, you must update the pre-admissions report.
For help completing this process or more information, contact the
- In SIMS, go to Reports, then select Design Report.
- Select Open an existing report.
- Go to Focus, then select Application.
- Select PMX2 Pre-Admissions , then OK.
- In the Select fields to be included in the report table, select Application Status [Reg], then Next >>.
- In the Define Filter table, select Application Status is Accepted or Offered, then select Modify.
- Select the applicable application statuses, select Select All or Clear All, then select OK.
In the Define Filter table, the Application Status is ... displays the selected statuses. Confirm this is correct, then select Finish. If required, select Modify again to adjust the statuses.
To save the edited report for future use, allowing you to run it without designing the report again, select the Save my report link.
The name of the report is automatically populated. To rename the report, enter a name. Select OK to save. - Add your pre-admissions in IRIS ParentMail.