Overview of IRIS Invoice Matcher Error Types

When processing invoices using IRIS Invoice Matcher, error messages may be generated. For example, if IRIS Invoice Matcher was unable to find a location for the invoice, posting the invoice failed, or due to invalid information on the invoice, etc.

Error messages can be viewed and managed from Errors tab on the Server Service page. If you have set up email notifications for errors, when the error is generated an email is sent with a link to the error. For more information, please see Sending Email Notifications for Errors and Delete Resolved Errors.

You can identify the error Type in the Errors tab on the Server Service page.

There are two types of error message that can be generated by IRIS Invoice Matcher:

Invoice Errors

Invoice errors are generated when the invoice has been successfully imported or upload to IRIS Invoice Matcher, however due to configuration settings within the software it has not been possible to post the invoice to PS Accounting/IRIS Financials. For example, the VAT period to which the invoice needed to be posted had not been opened.

Kofax Errors

Kofax errors are generated when there is not enough information on the invoice to successfully import or upload it to IRIS Invoice Matcher. For example, the supplier code on the invoice does not match a supplier code for a supplier set up in PS Accounting/IRIS Financials.

Error Messages

To help identify the reason for the error, details of the issue that caused the error are detailed on the Errors log in the Last Error Message column.

The details of errors are also displayed as a message on the Invoice tab when processing the invoice.

The following are the error messages that can occur for both Invoice and Kofax error types when processing invoices using IRIS Invoice Matcher. Select an option for more details: