Create a BACS or Other Payment Type Media File

Payment Runs - Step 4 Back to Set Up Payment Runs

To make the payments added to a payment list, a media file must be created to upload the details to the bank.

Your bank will dictate the required media file. If you are not sure what type of file to create, contact your bank.

Media files can only be created for payment lists with Provisional status.

  1. Go to Modules, then select Media Exporter.
  2. Select the following:
    • Paylist that includes the payments being made
    • The bank's required file Format
    • Bank Account the payments are being made from.

    For specific Format types, such as HSBCNet Flu:

    • The file type from Options
    • Processing Date
    • Execution Date
  3. To display the payments included in the file, select Process.


  4. On Media Valuation, check the payment details are correct.

    If any details are incorrect, Cancel creating the media. Update the account payment details or payments on the list, then create the media file again.

  5. To confirm the payments are correct and create the file, select OK.
  6. If Media Exporter is not set up to automatically save files, select Save As.
  7. Upload the file to the bank.

    If you are not sure how to upload the file, for more information, contact your bank.

Only when the file has been uploaded and the bank have confirmed all payments were made successfully, the payment list can be posted and allocated in IRIS Financials.