Emailing Customer Statements Using Statement Emailer

The Statement Emailer is part of the Emailer Suite of products and is used to automatically email statements to customers including any paid or outstanding invoices. The statements can also be printed for any customers who do not have an email address (if required).

You need to ensure that the Statement Emailer has been correctly configured before proceeding. For more information, please see Configuring the Emailer Suite Product.

  1. Log into Statement Emailer as described in Logging into Statement Emailer. The Statement Emailer window is displayed.
  2. Enter the required search criteria as described in Selecting Documents and Accounts in Statement Emailer. The list of accounts that can be selected is displayed in the table on the right-hand side.
  3. Select the check boxes adjacent to the statements that you want to send. If any email address are missing or appear incorrect, please see Add or Amend an Email Address in the Emailer Suite.
  4. Click the Email Statements icon and select the required SMTP configuration from the drop-down list. For more information on configuring SMTP settings, please see Configuring Email Settings.
  5. The Emailing Complete dialog is displayed to confirm the email has been sent. Click Close to return to the Statement Emailer window.
  6. If you receive the Unable to send email. Report generation failed. error, please see Dealing with a Report Generation Failed Message in the Emailer Suite.