Applying Security to a Ledger

This guidance is only for IRIS Financials Version 7.0.2103 or earlier. If using version 7.0.2223 or later, go to Security for Ledgers.

There are three levels of security that can be applied to a ledger. You can:

  • Set a minimum access level. Only users belonging to a user group with an access level greater than or equal to the chosen level are able to see the ledger.

  • Determine whether input is allowed, i.e. whether documents can be posted to the ledger.

  • Specify security roles, which restrict access to specific data functions, such as viewing, modifying, posting data to users with the selected security role.

  1. Select Maintenance, the select Ledgers from the menu.
  2. Select the required ledger, such as LLL_PURCHASE (where LLL represents the location) from the left-hand panel, select the Security tab, then select EDIT.

Defining minimum access levels

Typically, most users in the system belong to a user group with an access level of 3, which means that most users are able to view and maintain data in the ledger if the default setting is left at 3.

If you want to prevent access to a majority of users, then you can increase the access level to 4 or above (levels 8 and 9 are used specifically for administrator access only).

In most circumstances, this access level would be left at 3, and security roles used to limit access if required.

Setting whether documents can be posted to the ledger

Input Allowed is selected by default and should only be deselected if you want to prevent documents from being posted to this ledger.

Restricting access using security roles

Security roles can be used to apply security restrictions to ledgers. Without them, any user with the applicable access level can view and maintain the ledger and its associated data. Access to functions can be restricted by selecting an applicable role - only users belonging to a user group with that security role can carry out the specified action.

When defining security roles for ledgers, the following options are available:

  • View - users with the selected security role can view any documents posted to this ledger.

  • Modify - users with the selected security role can modify the properties of this ledger (i.e. edit information via the Ledger Maintenance window).

  • Post - users with the selected security role can post documents to this ledger.

  • View accounts - users with the selected security role can view the accounts within this ledger, e.g. the suppliers within the PURCHASE ledger.

  • Modify accounts - users with the selected security role can modify the properties of the accounts within this ledger, e.g. edit the properties of suppliers via the Account Maintenance window.

  1. Select ... in each required security field, then double-select to select the required security role from the Select a role window.
  2. Once the required amendments have been made, select SAVE.
  3. An Update complete message is displayed. Select OK to close the message and return to the previous window.