Security Getting Started Guide

This guidance is only for IRIS Financials Version 7.0.2223 or later. If using version 7.0.2103 or earlier, go to Applying Security and Assigning Access.

Security is used in IRIS Financials to control access and permissions for applications and features.

What is IRIS Financials Security?

The security set for the user group determines the permissions assigned to users when they are added to the group.

Security is used to: 

  • Set which parts of the software can be accessed by the group.
  • Choose what the group can do with specific features, such as editing, posting documents, viewing details, and so on.

What you need to do

To help you get started and using the new Security, we have copied your existing security settings and user group permissions to it.

All you need to do is switch it on, and you can start setting and managing security the new way.

Using Security

Let us help you get started using Security by setting security for a user group:

This guide is based on using an existing user group. If you want to set security for a specific group of users, create the user group before starting.

  1. Go to Maintenance, then select User Groups.

  1. Select the required user group, then LINKS.
  2. Select each relevant option in Security, then complete the following: 
    1. For each item, select the permissions to be added.

      If security is being set for location specific items, such as document types, and the permissions can be applied for all locations, after setting them for one location, COPY them to the others.

    2. SAVE the settings.

    To add permissions for another user group, select CHANGE USER GROUP, then the required User Group.

Did you know?
You can still set security and permissions for each user group in the relevant item maintenance screen.