Giving Usergroups Access to IRIS Purchasing

This guidance is only for IRIS Financials Version 7.0.2103 or earlier. If using version 7.0.2223 or later, go to Security for IRIS Financials Applications.

CUSTADMIN access only

When IRIS Financials Purchasing is first installed, required user groups are set up and users assigned to them. However, you may wish to provide access to IRIS Purchasing for additional user groups, for example, a new role exists within the establishment/organisation. Any new users need to be added to the applicable user group, then assigned a IRIS Purchasing licence.

This topic assumes that either a required user group has been created (or already exists) for those users whom you want to have access to IRIS Financials Purchasing. For more information, refer to. Adding a New User Group and Adding Users to a User Group.

Access to the IRIS Financials Purchasing module is provided via the Administrator module in .IRIS Financials

  1. Select Admin Modules, then select Administrator from the menu.

  2. The PSF Administration Logon dialog is displayed. Enter your CUSTADMIN details, then select OK.

  3. The PSF Administration dialog is displayed. Select Expand (+) to view the files within the Database folder.

  4. Select the required database from the Database folder, for example, IRISLIVE. Then select the Security tab.

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the User Group column, then select to select the required user group from the drop-down list. In the following example, Financial Managers has been selected.
  6. Next, select WebPortal from the Application drop-down list, then enter the required access level in Access Field for example, 3. Select Apply to save your changes.
    • Any finance users (i.e. Finance Managers/Administrators) also need access to IRIS Financials. Repeat the previous process, selecting the same user group, then Accounting as the application together with the applicable access level.
    • Anyone who is to be administering IRIS Financials Purchasingneeds access to WebPortal, Accounting, Distribution, and Rule Maint.
    • If a user who currently only has access to IRIS Financials Purchasing, but is to be authorising IRIS Financials documents, they also need access to IRIS Financials and the relevant IRIS Financials document types in order to authorise them.
  7. In IRIS Financials select Home, then select Command Security.

  8. The Command Security window is displayed. Select Expand (+) to display the options in the Application Menu folder.

  9. Select Expand (+) to display the options in the Modules folder, select PS Purchasing, then select EDIT.

  10. To make the IRIS Financials Purchasing module available from the IRIS Financials menu, make sure Hide is deselected, then select SAVE.

    If a security role has been assigned in Role, only user groups that have access under that security role are able to see the module in the menu. If required, add the user to the Security Role assigned to the module. For more information, refer to Assigning Security Roles to User Groups.

  11. An Update complete message is displayed. Select OK to close the message and return to the previous window.

When you have assigned access to the module, and set up the access to IRIS Financials Purchasing in the IRIS Financials menu, you need to assign the new user to a licence and provide access to applicable documents. For more information, refer to Assigning Users to IRIS Purchasing Licences and Providing Access to Document Statuses.