Cancelling direct debit transactions

A direct debit payment document can be cancelled using an automatic system rule or manually.

Before a direct debit payment document can be cancelled, you need to run a Document Enquiry to find the required document.

Cancelling a direct debit consists of the following:

Running a Document Enquiry to Find the Document to be Cancelled

Automatically Cancelling a Direct Debit Payment

Manually Cancelling a Direct Debit Payment

Running a Document Enquiry to find the document to be cancelled

  1. Go to Enquiries, then select Document Enquiry from the menu.

  2. The Document Enquiry Criteria dialog is displayed. To search for the required direct debit document to be cancelled, select Equals from the Document Type drop-down list. To select the required document type, select ... in Value 1, then double-select to select ASDD - Direct Debit or Standing Order (where AS represents the location code of the document type) from the Select a document type dialog.

  3. If the document number of the document to be cancelled is known, select Equals from the Document Number drop-down list. Enter the document number in Value 1, for example, 5, then select OK to confirm the selections.

  4. The Document Enquiry window displays. If a document number was not specified in the criteria, a list of all documents of the document type is displayed. Find the required document. If you want to view the individual transactions included in the document, select Expand (+) adjacent to the Document Type column for the selected document to display the details panel.

Automatically Cancelling a Direct Debit Payment

  1. Select the document to be cancelled, then select CANCEL DOCUMENT.
    If CANCEL DOCUMENT is greyed out, the document is allocated and you are not able to cancel the document until the allocation has been undone. For more information, please see Allocating and Unallocating Documents.document-enquiry-asdd-cancel-document.png

  2. The Cancel Document message is displayed. Select Yes to confirm the cancellation.

  3. The Document Cancelled success message is displayed. Select OK to return to the Document Enquiry window.

  4. On the Document Enquiry window, the cancelled document is displayed following the original document in the detail lines panel.

Manually Cancelling a Direct Debit Payment

  1. Check the status of the document in the Status column of the detail line. If the document has the status Paid, it means the document is allocated to a payment. The document allocation must be cleared before cancelling the document. For more information, please see Allocating and Unallocating Documents. If the document transaction statuses are Open, select the document to be cancelled, then select COPY.
    If you are not able to see the Status column, depending on your system settings, the status of the document
    may be indicated by the detail line being coloured, or a colour box displayed in the Status Indicator column. Alternatively, use the scroll bar at the bottom of the window to check if it is further along, or right-select the column header, then select Status from the pop-up menu.

  2. The Document Input dialog is displayed populated with the document type, input form, date, and period. Select Reverse Values. To select a journal document type, select Drill (...) in Document type, then double-select to select ASGJ - Journal (where AS represents the location code of the document type) from the Select a document type dialog.

  3. The Date and Period default to the date and period that you are entering the information, i.e. today's date. The date and period must be the same as the date and period that the document was originally posted with, where possible. To change the date, select the up-down buttons, select a date from the calendar, or over-type the date using a DD Month YYYY format, for example, 19 January 2021. To select a different period, select Drill (...) in Period, then double-select to select the required period from the Select a period dialog.

  4. The PSFJournal document input form is displayed populated with the details entered in the Document Input dialog and the details of the original document. If there are VAT detail lines on the document, you should check the VAT period is open before posting the document. If the VAT period is not open, an error message is displayed when you try to post the document. For more information, please see Maintaining VAT Periods.

  5. If the VAT Period is not yet open, you need to open the period before posting the document. For more information, please see Opening VAT Periods. If the VAT Period is closed, double-select in the Account fields displaying the VAT period, then double-select to select the next available VAT Period from the Select VAT account dialog.

  6. Next, to automatically view the document once it is posted, select VIEW AFTER POSTING, then press F5 or select POST to post the journal.

  7. A new Document Enquiry window is displayed with the Journal (ASGJ) document selected. If the original direct debit document was allocated, then the journal document now needs to be allocated to the original document. For more information, please see Allocating and Unallocating Documents. To allocate the document, right-select the detail lines, then select Account Details from the pop-up menu to display the Detail Enquiry window.