Drawers/Menu Options

Drawers are pinnable views that can be opened and closed. They are accessed from the main header.

When clicked, each drawer clicked, display an applicable panel relating to the drawer. The following drawers are available.


Select the Recent drawer to view a list of the 10 most recent documents viewed. By default, all types of documents are displayed.


Select the My drawer to display reports that are specific to you (either private documents or documents you have set as Favourites).


The Library drawer contains everything that has been made available to everyone by the System Administrator (i.e. public). Access to these documents will depend on the individual user access levels.


The Apps drawer is used to access any apps (groups of items) that you have been given access to. Apps provide access to Dashboards, Reports, Views, Skylight Financial Reports and IS Dashboards (depending on the content of the app).


The Data drawer is used predominantly by advanced users to navigate through their data, and where dimensions are maintained. Any Data Views previously saved will also be available from this drawer.

The following graphic shows the Library panel which is displayed when the Library drawer is clicked.

Each panel has three icons which (in order of appearance) refresh the data, pin the panel (so that it is always visible) or close the panel.