Record CIS information

The images and steps in this topic are based on our new design (which you can currently switch on and off). If you haven't switched the new design on, the images may look different.

The CIS and Other Info tab is used to record CIS (Construction Industry Scheme) details and any other information such as GoCardless mandate numbers. You can also create custom fields to record bespoke information which is entered via this tab.

  1. Go toSales>Customers, then select the required customer.

  2. Select the CIS and Other Info tab.

    screen shot of the cis and other information customer screen in IRIS Kashflow

  3. Select Apply CIS to sales invoices. When you create invoices for this customer, you can select Add Deduction for CIS after all the invoice lines to which tax applies have been added. A new line is added to the invoice for a negative amount.
  4. Record any other required information, then select Update.

You can produce a summary of sales and purchases containing WHT or CIS deductions by running the CIS Summary report.