CIS summary report

The CIS (Construction Industry Scheme) Report is based on the Sales and Purchases on which CIS deductions or WHT (Withholding Tax) that has been applied.

It is mainly relevant to Customers in the Construction Industry where your Customers withhold a percentage of the Invoice amount to instead pay it directly to the tax authorities. This means that you receive less than the amount of your Invoice from your Customers.

For more information on setting up and running CIS please read Edit CIS and withholding tax settings .

Run the CIS Summary report

  1. Go to HomeReports.

  2. Select Business, then select CIS Summary.

  3. Select a Start Date and End Date to set the range of the report.

  4. Select to run this report for All customers, or select a specific customer form the list.

  5. Select to report on Sales or Purchases.

  6. Select to base the report on Items issued or Payments received.

    • Items Issued: Include all invoices or purchases that have been raised between the dates specified that may or may not be paid
    • Payments Received: Only include invoices or purchases raised between the dates specified that are paid .
  7. Select Run Report.

Understanding the report

The CIS report will then be generated with 4 or 5 columns depending on your CIS Report Settings:

  • Customer/Supplier: The Customer or Supplier the invoice or purchase was raised against.
  • Date: The Invoice / Purchase Date or date of Payment.
  • Invoice Value/Receipt Value/Payment Value: The value of the entire Invoice or Purchase (less any excluded items that are set in your CIS settings).
  • UTR No / Company Reg. Number: The Unique Tax-Payers Reference, or Company Registration Number.
  • Less Materials: An optional field that is only visible if you have enabled the option Include a column to show the value of Materials via CIS Options.
  • CIS Deduction: The total deduction for CIS on this invoice, purchase or payment.

The totals of each column are visible at the bottom of the report.

The CIS Report can be download as both a PDF or CSV file.