Create a purchase invoice

You need to record everything you purchase in IRIS Elements Cashbook by creating a purchase invoice. If you've previously created purchase orders, you can convert these into purchase invoices.

Alternatively, create a purchase invoice with quick capture.

  1. Go to Purchase invoices (take me there in the app) and select Create Purchase.

  2. Go to Purchases > Purchases Invoices then select Create new.

  3. The Purchase invoice number is automatically generally but can be changed.

  4. Select the Supplier from the list and enter any Supplier reference issued (typically the supplier invoice number). Alternatively, select + to create a new supplier.

  5. The Issue Date defaults to today but can be changed.

  6. Due Date is the date the payment is due and defaults to the payment terms you have recorded for this supplier.

  7. If you have are using projects and have enabled line level projects, select which Project to link the purchase to from the list. Alternatively, select + to create a new project.

    Projects enable you to track the income and expense related to a specific project. This could be a specific project for a customer or a project for you, such as a shop fit.

  8. Choose the required Purchase Code from the list. You can create more purchase codes if needed.

  9. Select the Product from the list or select + to add a new one.

  10. Enter the Qty your want to buy together with a Description.

  11. Enter the Rate (net unit price) you were charged or the purchase.

  12. If you are VAT registered, select the VAT Rate you were charged. VAT is calculated amount based on the Rate and VAT Rate, but this can be changed.

If you have enabled a default VAT rate for the selected supplier it will be automatically selected.

  1. The Total is the sum of Rate and VAT. You can enter a different value here and IRIS Elements Cashbook will recalculate Rate and VAT accordingly.

  2. Select Disallowed if this amount represents an expense or partial expense that cannot be claimed for tax purposes. Selecting this option will ensure the values feed the SA103 report correctly, where required.

  3. Select Add comment if you wish to add a text note to the line item.

  4. If you have additional line items to add to the purchase invoice select Add line item and repeat from step 8.

  5. When all line items have been added select Save.