Administer contacts (users)

Need an additional portal administrator? Contact our IRIS Service Team.

Select the contacts (users) page which lists all users who have been added to the portal and have activated their account. Once added, their access needs to be enabled. The Community User? column shows the current status of each contact.

Status Description
Community User Icon This contact has access to the portal, including Self Help. They must have an active Support Entitlement to create a case.
Not a Community User Icon This contact has no access to the portal.
Community Adminstrator The contact is assigned as a IRIS Service Community Administrator.

If you want a user to be able to contact the IRIS Service Team, you must add a Support Entitlement.

It is important to keep your contact list up to date. If a user is no longer authorised to contact support, perhaps because they have changed roles or left your organisation, you should remove the support entitlement from the user.

Contacts Screenshot

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