OSP history

When you first use the Absence module, there's no historic data in the system relating to previous absence periods. This means that when you use the OSP (company sick pay) feature, employees that have had sickness in the previous eighteen months could potentially have their sick pay calculated incorrectly.

For the OSP / Company Sick Pay feature to function correctly, historic data must be added in order to calculate sick pay accurately.

For example:

  • Company A has a sick pay allowance of 14 days full pay and 14 days half pay, based on a rolling twelve-month period.

  • Employee X has taken ten days sick in the last 12 months, all of which have been paid as full pay.

  • Employee X is now off for a further ten days.

If there's no OSP history, IRIS Payrite will attempt to pay the additional ten days at full pay because Employee X has not been off sick in the last twelve months. However, there is no record of his previous absence in IRIS Payrite, but we know he is only entitled to another four days of full pay and six days at half pay.