Privacy information for Employer Verification Connector (EVC)

Safe and secure employment and income verification.

Data is shared under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Experian is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Data is encrypted using 256 bit encryption.

It's safe

• Since pay evidence is sourced directly from the employer, no payslips or sensitive information gets lost in the post or emails.

• The automation of the processes removes the need for manual processing of data.

• Reduces the potential for fraud as information is verified at source.

The employee needs to provide consent for each financial application submitted.

It's secure

• Information passed via secure API (an encrypted link), rather than email or post.

• Employees are in total control of who they share their data with as consent is provided during the application process.


  • Data is securely stored within the IRIS Microsoft Azure Cloud environment.

  • Only used for IRIS employee verification purposes for an Experian Work Report™.

  • The data is secured using the highest Microsoft Azure security levels within the IRIS infrastructure.

  • Encrypted using 256 bit encryption.

  • Employers can opt-in or out a company.

  • Depending on the kind of financial product applied for, the period of earnings to be verified can be between 3 and 12 months of previous earnings.

  • Privacy & Data protection policy | Terms and conditions | Data processing terms

Data used for verification
Surname Employment Leaver Date Date of Birth
National Insurance Number Pay Currency Payroll ID
Gross Basic Annual Salary Post Code Year to Date Gross Income
Employer Name Year to Date Net Income Employment Start Date
Pay Date Contracted Hours Pay Frequency

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