Leave settings (Employer)

Looking to set up an average holiday pay scheme?

Jump to custom settings for Days | Accrual - Money | Accrual - Days - Accrual - Hours

  1. Select the required employer.

  2. Go to your company name > Edit Details.

    Go to your company name > Edit Details.

  3. Select Leave.

    Select Leave.

  4. Select the Holiday Type:

    • Days: The holiday allowance is set as a number of days.
    • Accrual - Money: Accrue payments to be used for holiday instead of days.

    • Accrual - Days: Accrue holiday days for time worked.

  5. Select Add Average Holiday Pay Scheme if required.

  6. Select Update then Update Employee.


employee leave screen with Show On Payslip selection box shown

Accrual - Money

  • Automatically Pay: Automatically add a line to payslips to pay the holiday accrued in the period.

  • Show on Payslip: Show remaining allowance on employee payslips.

  • Accrue based on:
  • Rate: The default rate is set to 12.07%.

default leave settings screen

Accrual - Days

  • Allowance Resets on: Choose the accrual reset date.

  • Show on Payslip: Show remaining allowance on employee payslips.

  • Accrual Type:

    • Percentage: Set the Rate. The default rate is set to 12.07%.

    • Set Amount: Set the Rate as a of days. The default is set to 12.07 days.

screen for setting holiday type, with option set to Accrual - Days

Accrual - Hours

Average Holiday Pay If an Employee's work has no fixed or regular hours, their holiday pay will be based on the average pay they received over the previous 52 weeks (or a average based on the available number of weeks if less than the full 52. Scheme: Select + Add Average Holiday Pay Scheme to create one or more average holiday pay schemes.