October 2023: Product updates

28 February 2025

We're pleased to announce the latest update to IRIS Recruitment.

These release notes contain a detailed breakdown of any new features or enhancements that have been developed, as well as any bug fixes that we have implemented. Our development teams release to production every 2 weeks on average, so our monthly updates contain multiple development releases.

Bugs may have been reported via the Support Desk, fed back to us internally, or found during our own rigorous testing processes. Due to the bespoke nature of our software, there may be certain bugs reported that you haven't experienced in your system.

Jump to: New features | Bug fixes

New features

Security and privacy help hub area

From 20th - 23rd of October, some clients experienced issues with CVs not being stored and application details being unavailable. These issues have now been resolved and measures have been implemented to ensure they will not recur in the future.

Due to the impact of these issues, we felt it was imperative to make all of our data protection and security information publicly available in a centralised location.

In light of this, we are excited to announce the newest addition to our help hub: Security and privacy.

This area provides you with all you need to know about security and privacy in IRIS Recruitment, including data protection, our privacy policy, and common questions around these areas.

Here you can learn more about how your data is processed, our compliance programs and business continuity management processes, and how we interact with our third-party providers.

You can visit the new pages here:

Bug fixes

The following bugs have been resolved in the last month and are listed by release date. The reports are split into two sections: system bugs and bugs in the new design.

11th October 2023 – System bugs | 11th October 2023 – New design

26th October 2023 – System bugs | 26th October 2023 – New design

Due to the bespoke nature of IRIS Recruitment there may be bugs reported that you haven't experienced. If you have any questions regarding any of the bug fixes listed, please contact Support on 01943 661104.

11th October 2023 – System bugs

Issue Description
Not all expired vacancies displaying for client users Not all expired vacancies that should be displayed for client users can be accessed through the dashboard.
Unable to access client’s microsite page When attempting to access the client’s microsite vacancy page, this is going to a redirect page.
Look ups display in Lookup Type Maintenance Look ups displaying incorrectly in Lookup Type Maintenance.
Improve performance when selecting email template in offer task. Slow performance speed to load new email template when in an offer task.
Authorising screen not refreshing after authorising When authorising vacancies, the view does not refresh and remove the vacancy from the To Authorise link.


11th October 2023 – New design

Issue Description
New design: No in-progress pop up when syncing app list Reformat of the in-progress pop-up when syncing applications details

26th October 2023 – System bugs

Issues Description
Unable to add document to Workflow email setting Unable to add documents to interview emails in Workflow settings.
Delete team validate to check if team is used in an authorisation configuration A client can delete a team even if it's being used in an authorisation configuration.
Authorisations incorrect on Dashboard Authorisation counts incorrect on Dashboard for client user. 
Add task doesn’t close once task is created The add task view doesn’t close once a task has been created - on old design.
Unable to remove documents from Publishing When you deselect a document in Publishing, and publish again to save the changes, the document is still included.
Unable to access adverts due to an error Unable to access advert for vacancy due to error message appearing.


26th October 2023 – New design

Issue Description
New design: Incorrect spelling when assigning flag to candidate When selecting Assign Flag a loading wheel appears and text with a spelling mistake is displayed.
New design: Unable to provide feedback from Dashboard Unable to provide feedback from Interviews Requiring Feedback from Dashboard.